Bad things happen to us or to people we care about, and we wonder where God is in all of it. Tragedy hits our nation and we wonder why God didn’t protect us.
To be honest, the evil in this world can overwhelm our thoughts and emotions. It is hard to remain positive when everything around us seems to be falling apart.
Though we wouldn't admit it out loud, we know that there are times in our lives when it is difficult for us to worship God.
I have experienced those moments of wanting to stay away from God.
For me, these are times when life did not turn out the way I had hoped that it would, and I decided God was the right person to blame for my disappointment. This attitude killed any desire I had to worship Him.
Have you been to a similar place?
It is okay to admit. You are not some horrible person for feeling like God has abandoned you. There are plenty of people in Scripture who felt that same feeling.
The book of Psalms contains over 60 psalms that fall into the category of lament. These psalms are raw and reveal the questions and disappointment people have with God.
Through the ups and downs of life it is normal to experience periods of time when worship is not something we want to do.
How do we overcome these feelings?
The best way that I know is to commit to worship.
To commit to worship requires that we schedule regular times of worship in our lives and we honor those times as scared. During these times we go through the motions of worship, because we know that worship is essential to life. In this way we declare that our feeling are not the final judge of our actions, rather it is our faith that determines what we do.
If we are going to worship God, we need to know why it is important to worship.
This is what the apostle Paul wrote:
May God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace. Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen. (Galatians 1:3-5; NLT)
Paul said that God deserves all our honor and praise forever. Why does God deserve our praise?
God deserves our worship because He sent Jesus to rescue us from Satan, sin, and death.
This was God’s plan from the very beginning. Even before He created us, even before the first sin, God knew what it would cost Him to love us. God planned, from the beginning, to show us His love to us through the sacrifice of Jesus.
How much does God value you?
He values you enough to send Jesus to rescue you from death. He did this even though it cost him his life.
That is not the only reason.
Because of Jesus, not only can we be confident in God's love for us, but we can also experience new life.
Yes, it is true that our lives are still tied up in the drama of this world, but our hope has shifted. We now have new life that will out last the things of this world. Life is still painful, yet our focus is set on the moment when Jesus returns and makes everything right.
We worship God because we know that our present circumstances are not the final word about our lives.
If God never gave us another blessing He would still deserve our endless praise because of the gift of eternal life that we have in Jesus.
Glory be to God forever!
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