Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Theology and Our Relationship with God

"Hence, the reality of faith itself — our commitment to the God revealed in Christ — calls forth theological reflection." — Stanley Grenz, Theology for the Community of God (p. 1)

As a parent of school-aged children, I frequently confront the reality that, while assisting them with their homework, I struggle to remember what they are learning. More often than I’d like to admit, I find myself turning to Google in search of the correct answers.

This experience illustrates a crucial truth: our knowledge of the world is limited. It is constrained by what we have learned, what we can recall, and the information available to us. There is no one person who possesses comprehensive knowledge about everything. Indeed, even specialists in a given field have gaps in their understanding. These gaps encourage us to engage in deeper inquiry and study.

This is true for the most important of all areas of inquiry: God.

The Need for Theological Reflection

Too often, because our contemporary culture emphasizes the “relationship” aspect of God, we feel like the study of God makes that relationship all about intellectual knowledge. We figure that because it is like a relationship, we will learn what we need along the way, through our experience. Unfortunately, this reality has contributed to the American Church not fully understanding who God is and how He expects us to live.

In a typical interpersonal relationship, we come to know another person through shared experiences. These moments reveal their character and provide us ample opportunities to engage in conversation and ask questions. However, our relationship with God operates differently. The experiences we have with Him must be interpreted through the lens of Scripture. The Bible serves as our primary source for understanding both who God is and His will for the world. Part of nurturing our relationship with God involves dedicating time to study and meditate on the Bible, which helps us in truly knowing Him.

We Are All Theologians

Many of us do not identify as theologians. For much of my life, I viewed myself simply as a Bible student, with the academic discipline of theology seeming distant and inaccessible. We often perceive theology through an academic lens, characterized by complex terminology and intricate ideas. This perception can lead to the conclusion that theology is irrelevant to our relationship with God.

It is true that theology can feel out of reach and not practical to following Jesus, but that is not all theology is. At its core, the work of theology is the work of thinking well about God. Understanding that God is the Creator is the work of theology. Knowing that God is Trinity is also the work of theology. As we think through what the Bible says about God, we are engaged in the task of theology.

Since theology is thinking well about God, then we engage in theology whenever we ponder His nature, His works, or His will for our lives. It is important for us to remember that theology is not merely an academic pursuit for scholars in seminaries; it is a necessary discipline for every believer who desires to grow in their faith. To follow Jesus faithfully requires that we take time to deepen our understanding of God through study, reflection, and application.

The Foundation of Theology

The foundation for theology is always Scripture. While it is true that nature reflects the glory of God, it is Scripture alone that provides us with the information that we need to truly understand who God is. Reading, studying, and meditating on the Bible are important parts of theology; they provide the correct input we need to think well about God. Without a solid grounding in Scripture, our thoughts about God can easily be shaped by cultural assumptions, personal experiences, or misconceptions rather than by biblical truth.

Yet, theology is not merely an individual endeavor. The Church, both historically and presently, plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding of God. Throughout history, faithful believers have wrestled with Scripture, created doctrines, and provided insights that help us think rightly about God. Engaging with the teachings of the Church helps guard against error and deepens our understanding by connecting us with the wisdom of the faithful people who have gone before us.

Theology Leads to Transformation

The goal of theology is not merely learning more information but fostering a deeper love for God and maturing our faith. Jesus taught that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37). Loving God with our mind implies engaging in the work of theology—seeking to know Him rightly so that we may worship Him more fully and live in obedience to His will.

When we neglect theology, we risk distorting our understanding of God and living according to a false perception of Him. A faith that is not grounded in truth is susceptible to error, doubt, and instability. However, when we commit ourselves to theological reflection, we equip ourselves with the knowledge necessary to discern truth and to stand firm in our faith.

Ultimately, theology is a pursuit that leads to transformation. As we grow in our knowledge of God, our hearts are strengthened in commitment, our lives better reflect the character of Jesus, and our purpose aligns with God’s heart. Theology is not just about thinking well; it is also about living well. It is about knowing God so that we might love Him more deeply and follow Him more faithfully.

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