Why do I still follow Jesus Christ?
For me, it comes down to purpose—a call that God has woven into my life. Jesus didn’t just ask His first disciples to drop their nets and believe a set of ideas; He invited them into something bigger: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). That same invitation echoes today. We’re made for good works (Ephesians 2:10), not just to hold to a set of doctrines and beliefs, but to actually live those truths. In other words, following Jesus isn’t about checking off a list of doctrines—it’s about joining a movement that changes the world, through the simplest acts of love (Matthew 25:31-46).
Of course, plenty of Christians fall short of this calling, but that doesn’t make the calling invalid. Rather, it reminds us that we need help in living this calling out in our lives. As followers of Jesus, we’re meant to bring light to our families, communities, and nations. The Church, at its best, is God’s love in action.
The purpose I have as a follower of Jesus depends on two important choices. It depends on my choice to be faithful to King Jesus in every area of my life. I can only live this calling out if I am faithful. The second choice is the choice to love. Jesus taught that the most important commandment is to love: to love God and to love people. If I am not going to love, then it is impossible for me to live out the purpose of my life.
Now, compare that to what I’ll call the “evangelical atheist.” Their message urges people to abandon belief in God—but what’s the replacement? Do they genuinely think a world without God would be better? If so, where’s the proof? History doesn’t exactly back them up. And when they reject the source of goodness and love, what’s left to inspire kindness or sacrifice?
That’s not to say atheists can’t be moral or altruistic—many are. But they lack a foundation to call others to a life that seeks to make this world a better place. Without an absolute moral standard, they rely on shifting personal or cultural ideals, which is shaky ground when human nature often prioritizes self-interest over the suffering of others. Atheism critiques but doesn’t construct; it deconstructs faith yet offers no compelling alternative that can inspire, unite, or transform people and culture.
Faith in Jesus is not just about our self-interest. It calls us to something greater. The New Testament teachings this truth over and over again—Jesus commands us to love God and others (Matthew 22:34-40), Paul urges us to serve selflessly (Romans 12, Galatians 6, Ephesians 2:10), James reminds us that faith without works is dead (James 1:27), Peter exhorts us to bless others (1 Peter 3:9), and John emphasizes love in action (1 John 3:16-18). Disciples of Jesus are not just encouraged to love—we’re expected to. It’s central to our calling.
What’s amazing is how this call to love is for everyone. No one is incapable of loving. If morality were merely a personal construct, we’d have an innumerable number of ideas about what is right and wrong —forcing everyone to champion the causes they believe to be most important, whether climate change, poverty, or global suffering. That’s a recipe for burnout and division, especially since we cannot agree on what’s most important.
Christianity changes that. God sets a moral standard, calls us to love Him and others, and then gives us the freedom to bring our unique gifts to the table. The metaphor of being the Body of Christ nails it (Romans 12:3-5, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31)—we are different parts of the body with distinct roles (Romans 12:6-8, 1 Peter 4:7-11). God’s plan is a Church full of individuals, each equipped to tackle the world’s brokenness in their own way.
None of us can meet the world’s brokenness on our own, but when we work together we can make a difference.
So, I follow Jesus—doubts and all—because this call isn’t just about my personal relationship with Jesus; it’s about God’s people working together to influence the world. It’s about serving those around me and carrying God’s love into the world, all the while partnering with others. In living it out the calling to love and serve, I discover the life I was made for. And honestly? I want others to find that life too.
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