Showing posts with label Kingdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kingdom. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2025

Lessons from the King: Making an Impact

Called to Make an Impact

In the middle of the eighteenth century, the fight against the slave trade seemed like an impossible task. The trade was deeply ingrained in society, supported by powerful interests in Parliament, and widely accepted despite its inhumane cruelty. Christians began collecting evidence of the horrors of slavery, hoping to sway public opinion and bring about change. They needed a leader—someone to champion their cause in the political arena. That leader was William Wilberforce, a member of Parliament who experienced a profound conversion to Christianity in 1785.

Influenced by John Newton, a former slave trader turned pastor, Wilberforce felt called to use his position to fight for the abolition of the slave trade. He wrote, “So enormous, so dreadful, so irremediable did its wickedness appear that my own mind was completely made up for the abolition. A trade founded in iniquity and carried on as this was must be abolished.” For 20 years, Wilberforce faced intense opposition. Lord Melbourne, one of his critics, famously complained, “Things have come to a pretty pass when religion is allowed to invade public life.” But Wilberforce persevered, supported by Christians across England. Finally, in 1807, Parliament voted to abolish the slave trade.

Wilberforce’s story is a powerful example of how Christians can bring about moral and societal change. It reminds us that following Christ is not just personal—it’s a call to make an impact in the world for God’s Kingdom.

Too often, faith is viewed as a personal experience. It’s about my relationship with God, myblessings, and how God can improve my life. In this process, we overlook the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom is not a future concept—something that begins when Jesus returns. It’s about the here and now. God’s Kingdom comes into the world as people live by faith in King Jesus.

It all depends on faith. Remember: we can’t be citizens of God’s Kingdom if we’re not faithful to the King. Just as loyalty defines good citizenship in any country, loyalty to King Jesus defines citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven.


Jesus began His ministry where John the Baptist left off: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” The Sermon on the Mount explores what it means to be a citizen of this Kingdom. The Beatitudes summarize the character and values of Kingdom citizens. It starts with, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven,” emphasizing total reliance on God. It ends with, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven,” acknowledging that citizens will face opposition.

Jesus assures us that being in the Kingdom is worth it, and then moves on to teach about the responsibilities of Kingdom citizens.

1. Salt of the Earth (Matthew 5:13)

To understand Jesus’ teaching, we need to grasp the uses of salt in His time. Salt purified, flavored, preserved, and symbolized the covenant with God. Jesus likely meant a combination of these uses. Salt influences its environment.

• What is Earth?: This refers to the ground, the land—specifically Israel, the Promised Land. Disciples as the “salt of the earth” had a mission to preserve and purify the faithful remnant of Israel, who were in danger of missing the Kingdom.

• The Mission to Impact God’s People: We have a responsibility to influence the Church by purifying it from outside influences and preserving it for King Jesus. We do this through our lives—with love, humility, mercy, and forgiveness—and through what we teach—Scripture and truth. 

If we lose our “saltiness”—our influence—we risk becoming irrelevant to the Kingdom.

2. Light of the World (Matthew 5:14-16)

Light illuminates darkness with love and truth. Isaiah used this imagery to remind Israel of their responsibility to represent God to the Gentiles. Jesus came as the Light of the World, and His followers are called to reflect His light.

• Evangelism: We illuminate darkness by teaching others about sin, salvation, and the new life found in Jesus. Our faithful lives—marked by love—demonstrate to the world that there is a better way to live. A covered light is useless.

• Two Sides of Discipleship: Salt represents spiritual formation—preserving and teaching the truth. Light represents evangelism—shining love and truth to those who don’t know God. Together, they encompass the responsibility of Kingdom citizens.

A covered light is useless. Similarly, our faithful lives must be visible to the world, guiding others to glorify God.

3. Fulfillment of the Law (Matthew 5:17-20)

This passage can be challenging, but it builds on the themes of salt and light. To be Kingdom people requires living righteous lives—being in right relationship with God and fulfilling the intent of His Law.

  • Jesus and the Law: Some accused Jesus of dismissing the Torah, but He clarified that He came to fulfill it. His teachings revealed the heart of the Law: love for God and love for people.

  • True Righteousness: Jesus taught that true righteousness isn’t about rigidly following rules but embodying the intent of the Law. This prioritizes people over legalism, as seen in the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

Our righteousness isn’t about earning God’s favor through works but about reflecting His love in our lives.

We Have a Responsibility

 Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven have a responsibility to influence the world with Kingdom values. Salt preserves—influencing the Church. Light illuminates—bringing love and truth to those in darkness. Fulfilling these roles requires living righteous lives—not just adhering to the letter of the law but fulfilling its purpose through love for God and others.

Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven are called to represent King Jesus in the world by showing people there is a better way to live. This is how the world is saved: by seeing the better way and being challenged to accept it.

How do I apply this to my life? Ask God how you can be salt and light in your corner of the world. Encourage a fellow Christian to remain faithful. Share the Gospel with someone who needs to hear it. Be salt and light in your sphere of influence.

May we faithfully represent King Jesus, influencing the world with His love and truth. In doing so, we invite others to experience the life-transforming power of His Kingdom.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Faith Over Politics: Representing Jesus Well in a Divided World


Imagine you’re wearing glasses. The lenses tint everything you see, and if they’re blue, everything has a blue hue. No matter how much you try, you can't see things clearly until you either remove or change the lenses

For Christians, a biblical worldview frames everything through faith in Jesus, influencing our perspectives on work, family, and yes, even politics. This raises an essential question: what kind of lenses are we wearing? Are they shaped by God’s truth or by the world around us?

A Biblical Worldview for a Complex World

As followers of Christ, we’re called to build a worldview rooted in Scripture. This is difficult because we are bombarded with messages and philosophies that influence the way we see the world. It is crucial that we remember that in a world overflowing with competing voices, the Bible provides a firm foundation for understanding life—including how we engage politically.

Why Should Christians be Concerned about Politics?

You might ask, Why discuss politics? Isn’t that divisive? Aren’t we supposed to be above the things of this world? 

Here’s why we should clearly about politics:

  1. Politics is an issue of discipleship. Kaitlyn Schiess, in The Liturgy of Politics, challenges us to ask: are we being discipled by the Holy Spirit and the Bible, or by a political pundits and partisan politics?

  2. Politics is a reality of life. We’re called to engage with the world around us. How we approach politics can either bless our communities and glorify God—or do the opposite.

My job is not to convince you on how you should vote, but that doesn’t mean voting doesn’t matter. Because voting has consequences, how you vote matters.  Yet, voting remains a deeply personal decision. It is a decision that should be approached prayerfully.

What is Politics?

Politics is not just about how government functions. It is also how groups organize, distribute power and resources, and make decisions. Our families, communities, institutions, and even churches have a political framework that supports them. For Christians, political engagement, in every area of life, is about living out Kingdom values in our spheres of influence.

Christians Are Exiles: Allegiance to King Jesus

1 Peter 2:11 (CSB)

Dear friends, I urge you as strangers and exiles to abstain from sinful desires that wage war against the soul.

As Christians, we are exiles in this world. This means our true citizenship is in heaven, and our loyalty belongs to King Jesus. 

Matthew 6:24 (CSB)

“No one can serve two masters, since either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

Matthew 6:24 teaches us we cannot serve two masters. This means:

  • Our primary mission isn’t reclaiming a nation for God but making disciples.
  • Creating a “Christian” nation through politics is not the goal. Instead, we transform lives through discipleship, shaping people with a biblical worldview.

Living Honorably in a Divided World

1 Peter 2:12-17 (CSB)

Conduct yourselves honorably among the Gentiles, so that when they slander you as evildoers, they will observe your good works and will glorify God on the day he visits.

Submit to every human authority because of the Lord, whether to the emperor as the supreme authority or to governors as those sent out by him to punish those who do what is evil and to praise those who do what is good. For it is God’s will that you silence the ignorance of foolish people by doing good. Submit as free people, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but as God’s slaves. Honor everyone. Love the brothers and sisters. Fear God. Honor the emperor.

Peter’s guidance for exiles gives us a roadmap for navigating politics:

  1. Live honorably among non-believers (1 Peter 2:12). Represent Jesus well by reflecting His love and wisdom, even when misunderstood or opposed.

  2. Submit to human authorities (1 Peter 2:13). Trust in God’s sovereignty, respecting earthly systems even when we disagree. Christians under the Roman Empire honored Christ while submitting to a deeply flawed government—so can we.

  3. Use your freedom wisely (1 Peter 2:16). Christian freedom isn’t about rebelling against earthly laws; it’s about serving God faithfully within them.

Prayer as Political Engagement

1 Timothy 2:1-4 (CSB)

First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good, and it pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

The most vital political action for Christians is prayer (1 Timothy 2:1-4). Early Christians had little political influence, but they prayed fervently for leaders and authorities. Why? To create conditions where the gospel could flourish.

  • Pray for leaders and authorities. This isn’t about aligning policies with personal preferences. Instead, pray for wisdom, justice, and peace, enabling godly living and gospel opportunities.
  • Recognize the power of prayer. Prayer is spiritual warfare and evangelism combined. It shapes hearts and circumstances in ways human efforts cannot.

Make prayer for government leaders a regular practice, not to win political battles but to advance God’s Kingdom.

Faithful Political Engagement

Colossians 3:17 (CSB)

And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:17 reminds us that everything, including politics, should be done in Jesus’ name. Jesus challenged the religious and political powers of His time, but always with a prophetic focus—revealing God’s Kingdom, not seeking worldly power.

Jeremiah 29:7 (CSB)

“Pursue the well-being of the city I have deported you to. Pray to the LORD on its behalf, for when it thrives, you will thrive.”

Like the exiles in Babylon, our mission is to seek the welfare of our communities. Political engagement isn’t about winning arguments but blessing others, praying for them, and creating space for God’s Kingdom to shine.

A Challenge to Consider

How can you engage politically in ways that glorify God and reflect Jesus’ character?

Winning elections pales in comparison to representing Christ’s love, grace, and compassion.

Final Thought

Our political engagement must reflect our allegiance to Christ—not to a nation or party. As exiles, we are called to:

  • Submit to authorities.
  • Live with integrity.
  • Pray for leaders.

Above all, keep your eyes fixed on God’s Kingdom. When we live as citizens of heaven, we represent Jesus well in a divided world.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Lessons from the King: The Beatitudes


A Choice to Embrace Something Better

Imagine living in a world powered by kerosene lamps, iceboxes, and hand-cranked tools. Then, one day, electricity arrives, offering a cleaner, brighter, and more efficient way of life. But here’s the catch: you have to choose to connect to the grid. Dallas Willard, in The Divine Conspiracy, recalled his childhood, living in southern Missouri. When the Rural Electrification Administration extended power lines into his area, a new way of life became available. Even though electricity was at their door, people had to make a choice. They had to believe it was worth it, understand how to use it, and take practical steps to connect their homes to the grid. Many embraced the new way of life. But, surprisingly, others did not. They clung to their kerosene lamps and iceboxes, unwilling or unable to take the step toward something better.

This is the tension we face with the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus offers a new way of life—one that requires us to let go of self-reliance, pride, and worldly values. Will we make the leap? Or will we cling to our “kerosene lamps”?

Jesus’s teaching in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) invites us to be part of the Kingdom of Heaven—a Kingdom where blessings look different and values are transformed. But entering this Kingdom means living differently: trusting God completely by living His values.

The Unexpected Blessings of the Kingdom (Matthew 5:3-6)

When Jesus preached the Beatitudes, His audience—disciples and curious crowds—was not made up of society’s elite. They were the poor, grieving, powerless, and oppressed. These weren’t people who expected blessings. Yet, Jesus declared them blessed. Why? Because their circumstances positioned them to rely on God.

The Beatitudes highlight the foundation of Kingdom citizenship:

  • Poor in Spirit: Recognizing our need for God is the first step. True blessing comes when we stop trusting in our own strength.
  • Mourning: Grieving over the brokenness of the world and our sin brings comfort because it opens us to God’s healing.
  • Meekness: In a nation conquered and oppressed, the meek trust God’s timing and will to bring freedom rather than taking matters into their hands through violence.
  • Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness: Experiencing oppression and injustice creates a longing in people for God to come and make everything right.

For us, the question is clear: Do we trust God, or are we still trying to manage life on our own terms? To be a citizen of the Kingdom means choosing God’s ways over our own strength and wisdom.

Living Out Kingdom Values (Matthew 5:7-9)

Kingdom living doesn’t stop with trusting God; it transforms how we treat others. Those blessed in the Kingdom are merciful, pure in heart, and peacemakers:

  • Merciful: Citizens of the Kingdom don’t withhold mercy because others don’t deserve it. Instead, they show the same mercy they long to receive.
  • Pure in Heart: True purity isn’t just about outward behavior but inward faithfulness to God. It’s about aligning actions and intentions with His will.
  • Peacemakers: Kingdom people actively seek reconciliation—between others, creation, and God. They work to restore what’s broken and embody God’s vision for peace.

These values aren’t just ideals—they’re evidence of trusting God. They show that we’ve exchanged our “kerosene lamps” for the power of the Kingdom.

The Cost of Kingdom Living (Matthew 5:10-12)

Jesus doesn’t sugarcoat the reality of Kingdom life. Living faithfully will bring opposition. Just as Jesus was rejected, His followers can expect resistance. But even in persecution, there is blessing.

  • Persecution for Righteousness: Following Jesus means holding to Kingdom values, even when they conflict with the world’s values.
  • Worship in Suffering: Worship becomes a declaration of faith in the face of hardship. Like Paul and Silas in prison (Acts 16), worship in suffering reflects trust in God’s promises.

The cost of Kingdom living is high, but the reward is greater: participation in God’s eternal Kingdom.

Conclusion: Faithful to the King

N.T. Wright puts it perfectly: “These sayings are about the type of people through whom Jesus intends to transform the world.” The Kingdom doesn’t advance through force or power but through humility, mercy, and love.

Citizenship in the Kingdom isn’t a transaction; it’s transformation. We don’t earn blessings by doing good. Instead, as we live out Kingdom values, God blesses us so that we can bless others.


What is one step you can take this week to live out the Kingdom values described in the Beatitudes?

  • Show mercy to someone who doesn’t deserve it.
  • Seek purity by turning to God in prayer and confession.
  • Become a peacemaker in your family, workplace, or community.

Final Thought

Living as a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven isn’t easy, but it’s transformative. The real question isn’t “Do you believe in God?” but “Do you trust Him enough to live differently?” Let’s exchange the old ways of self-reliance for the blessings of God’s Kingdom.

When Jesus says, “Blessed are…” He’s inviting us to trust Him, live by Kingdom values, and transform the world. Will you answer the call?

Monday, January 13, 2025

Lessons from the King: The Call of the Kingdom


Imagine for a moment what it takes to become a citizen of the United States. The process is rigorous—time, effort, and commitment are required. First, you must meet certain eligibility requirements. Then comes the application process, a declaration of intent, and a thorough examination. This is followed by an interview and a test, where your knowledge of the nation’s history, laws, and values is assessed. Finally, there’s the oath of allegiance—a solemn moment when you pledge loyalty to a new identity, a new home, and a new purpose. Becoming a citizen means leaving behind old allegiances and embracing a new life.

This imagery of citizenship sets the stage for the message of the Kingdom of Heaven. Over the next twelve weeks, as part of the sermon series Lessons from the King, we will explore the Sermon on the Mount—Jesus’s teaching on what it means to be citizens of God’s Kingdom. A core truth runs through it all: We cannot be citizens of God’s Kingdom without faithfulness to the King.

Before diving into the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew’s Gospel introduces us to the beginning of Jesus’s ministry. This foundation reveals the nature of His call: the call to be citizens of God’s Kingdom. It is personal, transforming, and radical.

The Context of the Call (Matthew 4:12-17)

Jesus began His ministry with purpose and perfect timing.

1. The Timing of the Call

After His baptism and wilderness testing, Jesus waited to start His ministry. He began only after John the Baptist was arrested. John’s message of repentance had prepared the people, and Jesus built upon it, signaling a transition from preparation to fulfillment.

2. The Location of the Call

Jesus moved from Nazareth to Capernaum, a bustling city in Galilee, a region marked by Gentile influence. This move wasn’t random—it fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy that light would come to Galilee (Isaiah 9:1-2). Here, the Messiah would shine, bringing hope to those in darkness.

3. The Message of the Call

Jesus’s message mirrored John’s: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” Repentance is a turning point—a call to align with God’s will. The Kingdom of Heaven represents God’s reign, where His purposes are fulfilled. To enter this Kingdom requires leaving behind rebellion and embracing faithfulness to God.

The Nature of the Call (Matthew 4:18-22)

What does repentance look like? Jesus’s call to the first disciples reveals the answer.

1. A Personal and Specific Call

Jesus’s invitation was tailored to individuals. For Peter, Andrew, James, and John, the call meant leaving their nets behind to become fishers of people. For others, like Matthew the tax collector or Simon the Zealot, the call required forsaking old allegiances to serve a new mission. Each call was unique, but the response was the same: immediate and wholehearted.

2. A Transformative Purpose

Jesus’s call transformed the disciples’ purpose. They left their identities as fishermen to take on a new mission—proclaiming the Kingdom. Similarly, following Jesus transforms our priorities and redefines how we live, even if it doesn’t change our occupation.

3. A Radical Commitment

The disciples’ response was marked by sacrifice. Peter and Andrew left their livelihood; James and John left their father. Following Jesus often requires letting go of something significant—whether relationships, possessions, or personal ambitions. The call to the Kingdom demands a total reorientation of life.

The Urgency of the Call

The Kingdom of Heaven is not a distant promise—it is near, breaking into the present. Jesus’s invitation demands an immediate response. The disciples recognized this urgency and followed Him without delay.

But what happens if we hesitate? The cost of delay is profound. Like the Rich Young Ruler, we risk walking away from Jesus with regret, missing the transformative life He offers. Wisdom calls us to act when the invitation is clear—to trust in Jesus and leave behind whatever holds us back.

Responding to the Call

Becoming a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven is unlike any earthly citizenship process. It begins with Jesus’s call: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” While earthly citizenship requires our effort, Kingdom citizenship is initiated by God’s grace. It invites us to pledge allegiance to Jesus, leaving behind old ways and embracing a life aligned with His will.

To be a Christian is not simply to add Jesus to our lives. It is to adopt a new agenda—to live for God’s Kingdom and surrender our plans to His purposes.

Challenge and Invitation

As we begin this journey through the Sermon on the Mount, I challenge you to read Matthew 5-7. Ask God for wisdom, not just to understand His teachings but to apply them in ways that transform your life and bring His Kingdom to the world.

When Jesus calls, He asks for everything—but He offers so much more in return. Are you ready to follow King Jesus today?

Monday, March 13, 2023

Hebrews: Jesus is Superior to the Angels


STOP — Hebrews 1:5-14


The author of Hebrews provides a contrast between Jesus and the angels to demonstrate that Jesus is superior to the angels. God has declared that Jesus is His Son and to the angels God has commanded that the angels worship him. To Jesus God gave the Kingdom, but to the angels God made them servants.


Jesus is the King of the Kingdom and angels are his servants.


1. Jesus is greater than the angels because God has treated them differently. God declared that Jesus is the Son and that angels are to worship him.

2. God made the angels servants, but He made Jesus the King of the Kingdom.

3. Jesus was at the beginning and was responsible for creation. He is ruler over it.

4. Angels are servants of the Kingdom. They have the responsibility of serving God’s people in our task of working for the Kingdom.


Thank You for Jesus. He is the creator and savior of all things and I join the angels in worshipping Him.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Who Is Your King?

 {Judges 17:6; ESV}

In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. 

The book of Judges is the account of the nation of Israel between the death of Joshua and the establishment of the monarchy with Saul and David. The recurring problem this young nation dealt with was the lack of leadership. As long as God provided them with a leader: Moses, Joshua, and the various Judges the people seemed to do what was right, but once these leaders were gone the people seemed to always follow the religious practices of the kingdoms around them.

Rather than being God’s covenant people, guided by the Law, Israel desired to be another Canaanite nation, adopting the practices of their neighbors.

Israel’s unwillingness to accept God’s rule led to the invasion of foreign kings. No Israelite king ruled Israel, but there were kings who ruled Israel. These kings were cruel and their actions devastated the nation and kept the Israelites in bondage. 

Because of Israel’s choice not to accept God’s invitation to be their King, God allowed the invasions of foreign kings to occur.

The Old Testament often gives us a picture of what historically happened as a metaphor to the spiritual reality of life. Just as Israel needed to surrender to God lordship, we too need to surrender to God's rule.

We may think we don’t need a king in our lives because we have the wisdom and the freedom to do what we think is best, but the reality is that we are bound by the chains of a tyrant. Many of us are chained and enslaved. 

The habits you cannot break are not the result of your weakness, but are chains given to us by a cruel master. The lust, selfishness, and greed of your heart are the chains in which you have been bound. “I am free,” we yell as we fall back into whatever addictions we have developed to cope with life.

The reason why we self medicate with sex, alcohol, Netflix, Amazon shopping, exercise, or food is because that is how we have learned to cope with life. This self medication can easily turn into addiction and slavery.

Peter wrote:
For you know that you were redeemed from your empty way of life inherited from your ancestors, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of an unblemished and spotless lamb. — 1 Peter 1:18-19 (CSB)

We inherited a way of life from the world. It is all that we know and it seems like wisdom because it is how everyone else is living, but that way of life is really oppression. We need to be rescued from it.

Jesus is the King who came to rescue us. The foundation of the Gospel is that God’s good Kingdom is being brought into the world through Jesus. This was Jesus’s summary of his message:
From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, because the kingdom of heaven has come near.” — 
Matthew 4:17 (CSB)

To repent, in this context of Kingdom, means to change our loyalties. I like to say that to repent is to defect from the kingdom of darkness and declare our allegiance to Jesus and his Kingdom.

We have a choice to make. Who will be our King?

Will we accept Jesus’s offer to be our King by repenting and following him or will we choose to be our own king too weak to stand against the oppressing forces the world sends our way?

The Bible teaches that Jesus is offering the opportunity to accept His Kingship to all people, but there will be a day when this invitation will cease. Jesus is preparing to return and on that day no one will be able to stand against Him. Everyone will bow before him, either in absolute terror or in absolute love, and worship the King of kings. 

Today is the day for you to defect from the kingdom of this world and become part of the Kingdom of Heaven. The day is coming when there will only be one King left standing, and on that day I want to be on his side.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Citizens of God's Kingdom

{Ephesians 2:19-22; NLT} 
So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people. You are members of God’s family. Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself. We are carefully joined together in him, becoming a holy temple for the Lord. Through him you Gentiles are also being made part of this dwelling where God lives by his Spirit. 

There are two kingdoms. 

There is the kingdom of this world and there is the kingdom of God. 

 The reality of life, apart from Jesus, is that we are excluded from God’s kingdom. This means we are strangers and foreigners in the very kingdom that God created us to call home. 

Things can be different! 

Our citizenship can be changed!

 Not only can we become citizens of God’s kingdom, but we can even be adopted into God’s family! 

Before, while we were in our sin, we were outsiders, we didn’t belong to God’s Kingdom, but now we do. We were citizens of the world, and foreigners in the Kingdom of God, but now our citizenship has changed. 

The world is no longer our home, we are pilgrims in this land, because our citizenship is now in Heaven.

 I want to point out two implications that come with being citizens of God’s Ki ngdom. 

  1. We are not alone. I am not the only citizen of the Kingdom, and though it might feel like I am all alone at times, that is just a feeling and not reality. In this Kingdom reside all the faithful who lived under the Old Covenant as well as all of the faithful who follow Christ Jesus. The writer of Hebrews writes of a “great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1). It encourages me to think about all the people who have lived faithful lives, because it reminds me that I am not the only one to experience the struggles of faith. 
  2. There is a standard for living. God expects His people to live in a certain way. One of the expectations God has for His people is that we will be servants. We need to help those people who are in need and in the process bring God’s love and hope into their lives. A second expectation is that we live moral lives. The moral standard that we live by needs to be better than the standard the rest of the world by. People need to recognize that there is a difference in the way we live and the they live. 

What a word of hope we find in this passage. 

We are part of God’s Kingdom! Being citizens of God’s kingdom is going provide us with some challenges. It will be a challenge simply because our purpose of life has changed. The fact that we are citizens of God’s kingdom and members of His household needs to shape the way we live.


It needs to shape our lives because we no longer live for ourselves. Now we are representatives, ambassadors, of God’s Kingdom, and is essential that we to play the part.

Questions to consider: 
  • What was your life like before Jesus? 
  • Do you gain any hope from knowing you are part of God’s kingdom? 
  • How can you be a good representative of God’s kingdom?

Monday, April 20, 2020

Trust Jesus to Lead

One of my favorite stories in the Gospels is the story of the Rich Young Ruler (Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30).

I like the story because the Rich Young Ruler is a person in the Bible who American Christians can relate to.

While we may not consider ourselves rich, compared to rest of the world we are. In fact, the greatest stumbling block for Americans, just as it was for the Rich Young Man, is materialism (measuring the worth and purpose of our lives by the things we have or desire to have).

The Rich Young Man comes to Jesus with the question: "How can I have eternal life?"

Ultimately what the Young Man asked Jesus is how he can be part of God's eternal kingdom.

Jesus responded, "You need to keep the commandments."

The key, according to Jesus, is to remain in God's will. God revealed His will to Israel through the Law. For the Rich Young Man to remain in God's will required that he keep the commandments.

Young Man replied to Jesus, "I have kept the commandments."

We should not hear this as being arrogant, but rather a declaration that he was following what the Law required. He obeyed the commandments, and when he broke one he made sure the appropriate sacrifice was offered. In his mind he could truthfully say, "I have kept the commandments."

Notice Jesus did not challenge him on this point. Rather, he gave the Young man one more thing to do: sell his possessions and give the money to the poor.

Remember Jesus hung all the commandments on two commands: love God and love your neighbor.

What the Young Man revealed by holding on to his wealth is that he really did not keep the commandments. He participated in a religion, but true love eluded him.

The Young Man was torn between two desires. He desired the lifestyle that his money gave him, but he also desired to be part of God's Kingdom.

The Young Man chose the immediate desire of an easy life rather than the long term desire of following Jesus.

The result was that the Young Man missed out on being part of God's Kingdom. He came with the desire to be part of the eternal Kingdom of God. He went away sad because he knew his desire would not be satisfied.

I wonder if the Young Man was still alive in 70 AD.

Did he witness the siege of Jerusalem by the Romans?

Did he experience hunger that no amount of money could fill?

Was he one of the rich people who had their bellies slit open as they tried to sneak out of Jerusalem with their riches in their stomach?

Did he see the futility of trusting in his wealth and wonder how life would have been different if he had followed Jesus?

It doesn't really matter if he was alive then or not, because his choice led him down the path of the temporary which always leads to an ever increasing desire of the things of this world. The sadness he experienced when he left Jesus was the same sadness that had him seeking Jesus. His life was missing something, but he wasn't willing to to do what was necessary to fulfill the craving of his soul.

What about you?

Is there something in your life that you are hanging on to even though you know it is an obstacle to the life God has for you?

Is there something in your life that you have learned to rely for comfort and fulfillment but pushes Jesus out?

Until we are willing to trust Jesus more than we trust ourselves we will continue to be frustrated with the direction of our lives.

Following Jesus requires us to live with courage.

The first courageous step that we must take is to give up those things we have trusted to bring us happiness, pleasure, and meaning. It is a scary thing to give up what we comfortable with in order to venture into the unknown. We will never know the life God has for us until we do exactly what he tells us to do.

We must trust Jesus to lead the way to life.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Rend Collective - Build Your Kingdom Here OFFICIAL

Jesus asked us to pray: "Your kingdom come..."

May we continue to pray for the coming of God's Kingdom and may we yield our lives to God's will. 

This is one of my favorite Rend Collective songs.


The Parable of the Soils: Hearing and Bearing Fruit

The Parable of the Sower (or more accurately, the Parable of the Soils) in Matthew 13:1-23 is one of Jesus’ most well-known teachings. It no...