Thursday, April 6, 2023

Study the Bible and Know God’s Will

As believers, we should have a desire to know God's will, not only for our lives, but for the world. This is why we pray, “Your kingdom come and Your will be done.” It is why seek guidance from older wiser Christians who have faithfully followed Jesus. It is why we study the Bible, God’s word to His people.

The Bible is God's inspired word, which means it is the ultimate guide for our lives. Through the Scriptures God reveals His character, His plan for humanity, and His will for our lives. Therefore, if we want to know God's will, we need to become students of Scripture.

How do we become students of the Bible?

Here are three things you can do to become a student of God’s word.

Personal Reading and Study

Personal Bible study is a crucial discipline for every Christian. It is through reading and meditating on the Word of God that we come to know Him intimately. Reading and studying the Scriptures allows us to discover the character of God, His love for us, and His plan for our lives. It is also through personal Bible study that we develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and our relationship with God.

To get the most out of our personal reading and studying we need a plan. Earlier this year I wrote about what I do to study the Bible (Take Time to Study). When it comes to reading find a plan that works for you and don’t get discouraged if you are inconsistent with it at first. The goal is to read, even it is just a chapter a day. When it comes to studying, I would suggest choosing a book of the Bible and reading through it a good study Bible and taking notes. Olive Tree Bible Software is good way to go to help in this process.

Study with Qualified Teachers

In addition to personal study, it is essential to sit under the instruction of qualified teachers. Pastors, Bible study leaders, and other Christian leaders who are well-versed in the Scriptures can help us understand and apply the Word of God to our lives.

However, we must be discerning in our choice of teachers. We need to seek out those who are faithful to the Scriptures and are committed to teaching the whole counsel of God. In other words we want to find teachers and preachers who use the Bible as the foundation of their teaching. One of the ways I do this is to study and teach the Bible through some of the themes that run through Scripture. The two big themes that have influenced my teaching recently are the themes of covenant and Kingdom of God.

Diligence and Intentionality

Finally, we need to be diligent and intentional in our study of Scripture. This requires that we carve out time for it on a regular basis. We need to be reading the Bible everyday as it gives us truth to meditate on and to guide our prayers. Our personal study of Scripture can also be daily as we do our own study with commentaries and study Bibles on one day, studying with a group on another day, and listening to sermons and podcasts on another day. The goal isn’t about learning on the information that we can, but to gain wisdom. Biblical wisdom is the knowledge for living well in God’s world.

The intentionality of studying and reading is crucial. Find a rhythm of reading, meditating, and study that works for you. We need to set aside distractions and other priorities that can hinder our ability to focus on studying God's Word.

If we want to know God's will we must become students of Scripture. Personal study and sitting under qualified teachers are essential parts of this process. We must also be diligent and intentional in our study of God's Word, making it a priority in our daily lives.

As we seek to know God through His Word, we will discover His will, not only for our lives, but for the world. This will influence the way we live as we follow Jesus.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

EDC Wednesday: Carry a Knife


Human beings have been carrying knives for centuries, as they are versatile tools that can come in handy in a wide variety of situations.

The first knives were sharpened rocks, bones, or metals that had some sort of handle for a person to hold. These knives were used for cutting and scraping tasks, and because of their usefulness, people began carrying knives with them all the time.

The exact origin of folding knives is unknown, as they have been used for centuries and have evolved over time. However, evidence shows that folding knives were used in ancient Rome, Greece, and even in the Bronze Age. These early folding knives were made from bronze, iron, and eventually steel. 

During the Middle Ages, folding knives became popular among nobility as a symbol of status and wealth. Folding knives became popular in the American colonies in the 1600s as an essential part of daily life for farmers and other people who made their living with their hands.

Although our technology has made the daily need for a good cutting tool almost obsolete, a good folding knife is still an essential part of a good EDC. Whether you're working in the yard, doing a DIY project, cooking supper, camping, hiking, or just running errands around town, having a folding knife in your pocket can ensure that you are prepared for any cutting tasks that may come your way.

A few of the knives in my collection.

Here are some reasons why carrying a folding knife is a good idea:

Everyday tasks

From opening packages to cutting rope, there are countless everyday tasks that can be made easier with a folding knife. Instead of struggling to open a package with your bare hands, you can simply use your knife to slice through the tape. Instead of trying to break that dangling thread on your shirt, you can simply cut it off. Instead of tearing open that birthday card from your mom, you can make a nice clean cut with your knife instead. Instead of searching around for a clean knife in the kitchen, slice those veggies up with the slicer in your pocket.

Emergency situations

In an emergency situation, a folding knife can be a lifesaver. Although a knife with a blade less than 3 inches long is perfectly capable of handling 98% of the cutting tasks that will pop up in our daily lives, in many emergency situations that might arise, such as cutting a seatbelt in a car accident or creating a makeshift shelter in the wilderness, a larger knife provides you with the tool you need to get the job done. It's always better to be prepared for the unexpected, and a good medium to large folding knife can help you be prepared.

Utility tool

A folding knife is also a valuable utility tool when the right tool isn't within reach. It is important to remember that while we have all used a knife for something other than cutting, these are not approved uses for a knife. You can use a knife to tighten screws, strip wires, or even to remove a splinter. With a little creativity, you can use a folding knife to tackle all sorts of tasks.


While we hope to never find ourselves in a situation where we need to defend ourselves, it's always better to be prepared. The reality is that unless you are trained to use a knife for self-defense, you are just as likely to hurt yourself as you are your attacker. But, in a life or death situation, using a knife might help you ward off an attacker or create an escape route. Of course, it's important to remember that using a knife in self-defense should always be a last resort, and only used when absolutely necessary.

Personal Expression

For many people, carrying a folding knife is a way to express their personal style. This is particularly true among the EDC community, where there is a wide variety of knives available in different colors, materials, and designs. Personally, I still want a brass handle knife because I think it looks cool when paired with leather.

However, it's important to remember that carrying a knife also comes with responsibilities. You must be aware of local laws and regulations governing knife ownership and use.

Some states and many cities have ordinances that limit the blade length on folding knives to less than 3 inches. To comply with local laws, I bought a Kizer Dukes with a 3-inch blade to carry when traveling.

Since knives are tools and not toys (although the fidget factor on many folding knives is pretty high), we should treat them as such. It's important to handle your knife with care and never use it in a way that could harm yourself or others.

Carrying a folding knife can be a valuable tool for a variety of situations, whether you're out camping, running errands, or going about your daily life. By keeping a knife in your pocket, you can be prepared for whatever comes your way.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Fight Against Sin

William Wilberforce was a British politician and Christian abolitionist who dedicated his life to the eradication of the slave trade in the British Empire. He believed that slavery was a sin and that it was the duty of Christians to fight against it. In his book, Real Christianity, Wilberforce wrote, “"In the same way, God has called us to be the sworn enemies of sin. We are to wage war against it and strive to give it no opportunity in our lives." (p. 65)

In the same way that Wilberforce fought against the sin of slavery, he believed that Christians should wage war against all sin. He understood that sin was a destructive force that had the power to harm individuals, families, church families, local communities, and entire societies.


Wilberforce believed that Christians had a responsibility to fight against sin and strive to give it no opportunity in their lives. When we deal with our own individual sin it lessens the impact that sin has on those around us.

The Bible also teaches that sin is a powerful force that can lead to death and destruction. Romans 6:23 (CSB) says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 

Sin separates us from God and leads us down a path of destruction.

Followers of King Jesus are called to be sworn enemies of sin, because we know the destructive nature sin has in our lives. 

To be an enemy of sin means that we should not tolerate sin in our lives and that help others to overcome the sin in their lives. We are to strive to live a life that demonstrates God’s character and avoid the paths of temptation that lead us to sin. 

We live in a sin corrupted world which is constantly trying to pull us away from following Jesus. This means being an enemy of sin, even when we know it is evil, will not be easy. Temptation will still come our way and sin will still be present in our lives. However, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can make progress in overcoming sin and live a life that honors Jesus’ sacrifice and reflects the image of God into the world.

Waging war against sin also means that we should be actively involved in fighting against the sin in our world. This includes standing up against injustice, as we fighting against poverty and oppression, and working to bring hope and healing to those who are hurting. We should use our resources, talents, and influence to make a positive impact in the world and to fight against the forces of sin and evil. 

Remember, we can’t win this fight on our own, so we join forces with others working in these areas, offering our prayers and money to extend our love into areas we wouldn’t otherwise be able to go.

This quote from William Wilberforce reminds us that as Christians, we are called to be sworn enemies of sin. It is crucial that we wage war against it and strive to give it no opportunity in our lives. 

For us to do that we need to live a life that bears God’s image of love and holiness by loving our neighbor, working to make a positive impact in the world, and doing what we can to fight against the injustice that is in the world. 

My prayer is that we will be inspired by Wilberforce's example and live a life that is dedicated to fighting against sin and promoting righteousness.

Monday, April 3, 2023

The Good of Inconvenience

In June of 2004 I met a young girl named Kylee while being a family leader and teacher at First Chance Camp. At first, Kylee was very quiet but by the mid-day of the first full day of camp, she had attached herself to me, literally. 

It was irritating that she called me Baldy (I had shaved my head due to a hair cutting accident), stole my hat, and hung on me constantly. I was very annoyed when she grabbed my hand on the last night of camp and pulled me to the campfire to sit by her. I did not want to sit by her, I wanted to do whatever I could to get away from her.

On the way back to the cabins after the campfire, God used Kylee, a nine-year-old girl, to remind me what is important. She told me that her dad was killed in an accident in April and that I was now her dad. 

This caused my eyes to tear up as my perspective shifted. Now, I understood why she harassed me, or as she put it, terrorized me. While I was focused on my comfort, I had missed the pain in Kylee's life.

Dealing with difficult people is something we all have to face. Some people are so needy that they drain our strength. Others seem to get on our nerves just by existing.  Still others tell such outlandish stories that you wonder if you can believe a word that they say. 

Everyone has "unlovable" people in their lives.

The reason we believe they are "unlovable" is because we only see one side of them, and we miss the part of their lives that few people know about. Tragedy, abuse, accidents, and family life all have a significant impact on shaping who we are. 

I bet there is a reason why the annoying people in your life are annoying.

As we seek to tell people about God's love and serve those in need, we won't always deal with people whose personality is compatible with ours. Sooner or later we will encounter people who make life uncomfortable for us. These people provide us with the ultimate test of love. 

It is easy to love the people we enjoy, but it is different to love those who inconvenience our lives.

In Mark 6:31-34, we see that Jesus was being inconvenienced. People came from all over to take from Jesus. They were sick, crippled, and poor, which meant they had nothing to offer. They just wanted Jesus to help them. There were so many people that Jesus didn’t even have time to eat. His desire was to retreat, to go to a solitary place and rest. But  people discovered where he was heading and were waiting for him when he arrived. Jesus offered no rebuke or excuse. Instead, he had compassion on these inconvenient people and took time to help them.

Jesus is our example of how we are to act towards those difficult people in our lives. We may be tired, uncomfortable, and inconvenienced, but we still need  to do our best to help those who cross our paths. We should have compassion on them, not because they have something to offer us, but because they are people created in God’s image.

On the last day of camp, Kylee's mom came to pick her up. She explained to me how Kylee's father died and apologized if Kylee had been a nuisance. I shook my head and said, "She was no problem." My perspective had changed. I no longer saw Kylee as an annoyance but as a little girl who needed to be loved. 

To demonstrate God’s character in this world means we need to show compassion to those inconvenient people in our lives.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sunday Prayer: Thank You For Transforming My Life

Dear God,

Today I thank You for the Holy Spirit and the transforming work he is doing in our lives. I am grateful for the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control that comes from his presence in my heart.

I affirm my commitment to You. I belong to King Jesus and I  have crucified my flesh with all of its passions and desires. I ask for your guidance and strength to continue, that comes from the Spirit, so I am able to keep in step with your will.

Lord, I  pray that you help me to avoid becoming conceited, being divisive, or being envious of others. May I always remember to show love and kindness to those around me, and to extend grace and forgiveness to people just as you have shown me.

I ask that you continue to work in my heart, transforming me from the inside out, and empowering me to live a life that honors you. 

I pray all of this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and King. Amen.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Illusion of Equality

Consider what Ludwig von Mises wrote:
“What is imperishable in man—his spirit—is undoubtedly the same in rich and poor, noble and commoner, white and colored.

“Nothing, however, is as ill-founded as the assertion of the alleged equality of all members of the human race. Men are altogether unequal. Even between brothers there exist the most marked differences in physical and mental attributes” (Liberalism: The Classical Tradition, p. 9).

The idea of equality has been a cornerstone of the United States, but the reality is that true equality is a myth. As Ludwig von Mises pointed out, human beings are altogether unequal, and even among siblings, there exist marked differences in physical and mental attributes.

It is important to note, that this reality does not mean that some people are superior and others inferior. Followers of Jesus believe that everyone is created in the image of God, and therefore, everyone not only has great value, but is also an essential part of our community. We need to embrace our uniqueness and recognize that we all have something to contribute to society and to the Church.

One way we can do this is by understanding that certain rights are universal, such as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This is also true when it comes to salvation. Everyone is in the same boat and in need of rescue from Satan, sin, and death by Jesus. We are all equal in our need for salvation, regardless of our race, gender, or social status.

Another way we can embrace our uniqueness is by recognizing that we are all part of the same body of Christ. Each one of us has different talents and gifts that can contribute to the growth and health of the Church. Just as in a society, the division of labor enables productivity and prosperity, our differences enable us to work together and depend on one another for what we need.

What matters most is not a person's talents or achievements but their character. People of good moral character are the ones who can do the most good in this world, not the most gifted. We need to strive to be people of character who embrace our uniqueness and recognize our interdependence on one another.

Friday, March 31, 2023

The Path to Freedom

The Bible teaches that true freedom is found in Christ.

In John 8:36 (CSB), Jesus declared, “So if the Son sets you free, you really will be free.”

The Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 5:1 (CSB), “For freedom, Christ set us free. Stand firm, then, and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery.”

This freedom is not just the absence of external constraints but the liberation of the heart from the bondage of sin.

John Eldredge in The Utter Relief of Holiness wrote: 
"Have you ever put those two things together—freedom of heart and the passionate pursuit of God’s commands? The two go hand in hand. Genuine holiness restores human beings; restored beings possess genuine holiness."
This quote beautifully summarizes the relationship between holiness and freedom.

The freedom we have in Christ does not mean that we can live however we please. As Eldredge noted, freedom of heart and the pursuit of God's commands go hand in hand.

The psalmist wrote in Psalm 119:45 (CSB), "I will walk freely in an open place because I study your precepts."

In other words, the psalmist found freedom in obedience to God's commands.

The pursuit of holiness is not legalistic or burdensome. It is a pathway to freedom and to the healing of our wounded hearts.

In Romans 6:22 (CSB), Paul wrote, "But now, since you have been set free from sin and have become enslaved to God, you have your fruit, which results in sanctification — and the outcome is eternal life!"

Sanctification, or the process of becoming holy, is the result of our freedom in Christ.

This restoration of our being through holiness is not just for our own benefit. It also allows us to better love and serve others. In Galatians 5:13 (CSB), Paul wrote, "For you were called to be free, brothers and sisters; only don’t use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love."

True freedom is found in Christ, and this freedom leads to holiness.

Pursuing holiness is not legalistic or burdensome but is a pathway to the life God created us to live. As we are restored to this life through holiness, we are better able to love and serve others.

To be a disciple of Jesus is to pursue holiness with passion and freedom of heart, knowing that it is the pathway to full and abundant life.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Finding Freedom Through Virtue

 Followers of Jesus are to live with virtue. To live with virtue is to be a person of character that is defined by the high moral qualities of love, honesty, compassion, mercy, and faith. These are the qualities that empower us to demonstrate God’s character in the world.

The Bible, through the teaching of the Holy Spirit, provides us with the wisdom we need to be people of Christian virtue. One of the ways the Bible provides us with wisdom is through examples. These examples are not always good examples, but God intends for them challenge us in how we live. The are to get us to think about how we can live faithful lives in our situations.

One such example can be found in the book of Exodus.

Exodus is the story of the Israelites, who experienced a life of slavery for over 400 years. Their existence was marked by suffering, oppression, and forced labor. Yet, it is in this painful reality that God grew the clan of Jacob into a nation.

When the time was right, God had a plan to set them free. This plan was built around a man named Moses. He was born to Hebrew parents and raised in by Pharaoh’s daughter. This gave Moses a unique perspective on the situation, but before Moses was fully prepared to lead Israel, he spent 40 years in the wilderness herding sheep. All these experiences molded Moses into the leader God would use to lead Israel out of a life of slavery and into a life of freedom.

Not only did the Israelites need to be freed from their physical enslavement, they also needed to be freed from their spiritual enslavement. They had been living in a pagan culture that worshiped false gods, and as a result, they had become enslaved to the sinful practices and values of that culture.

God knew that in order to truly be free, the Israelites needed to be transformed from the inside out. They needed to turn away from their sinful ways and embrace a life of virtue. God’s desire was for Israel to be a light to the nations by demonstrating His character.

Through Moses, God created a covenant with Israel. The moral foundation of this covenant is summed up in what we call the Ten Commandments. This covenant would serve as a guide for living a virtuous life. These terms of the covenant were not given to enslave the Israelites, but rather to guide them away from the terrible cultural practices that enslaved their neighbors and kept them living in darkness.

In Deuteronomy 30:19-20, Moses told the Israelites:
“I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, love the LORD your God, obey him, and remain faithful to him. For he is your life, and he will prolong your days as you live in the land the LORD swore to give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” (CSB)
The virtuous life requires making a choice: following God’s will or doing what seems best to us. This is the choice that set before all of us, and it is crucial that we make the right choice.

To live with virtue means choosing the way of God even when it is difficult and we don’t have all the answers. It means choosing to love God and to love our neighbors, even when it requires sacrifice. And it means putting aside our own selfish desires and ambitions, in order to serve those around us.

When we live with virtue, we find freedom from the consequences of bad choices that would otherwise lead us into slavery. We become free to serve others, just as Jesus came to serve us.

In John 13:14-15, Jesus told his disciples,
“So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done for you.” (CSB)
Jesus, who is the perfect image of God, lived a loving and humble life which empowered him to serve people. If we are going to demonstrate God’s character in this world then we need to follow the example of Jesus.

This is why virtue is crucial for Christians.

Living a life of virtue requires humility, selflessness, and treating others the way we want to be treated. When we live like this, we find the freedom God has promised to His people. We are free to love, free to serve, and free to make a difference in the world around us.

Living with virtue is not about being perfect or never making mistakes. It's about making choices that align with God's will, and seeking to live a life that reflects his love and grace.

When we do this, we find freedom from the consequences of bad choices that would otherwise lead us into the slavery of sin. And in that freedom, we are free to help and serve those around us, just as King Jesus did for us.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

EDC Wednesday: EDC Mistakes

Since Everyday Carry (EDC) is about the items that we carry with us on a daily basis, a lot of focus is placed on gear. It is the gear, more than anything else, that has created the EDC Community.

It is true that we want to have the tools necessary to tackle the jobs that pop up during the day, but we also want cool tools to do those jobs. There are tons of cool gears that we can buy to create an EDC kit, and that can translate into hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.

To prevent you from spending lots of money on things that only sit in a drawer and collect dust, here are some common mistakes people make when it comes to EDC.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when creating an EDC:
  1. Carrying too much: This was a big mistake when I first started carrying an intentional EDC. I watched YouTube videos and saw what other people were doing and thought, “I need to carry that too.” I had my pockets full of stuff that I never used: a lighter, screwdriver, Allen wrench, and a few other pieces of gear. One of the things that was happening is that I would put my phone in the pocket, and all the stuff in my pockets would crack the screen protector. I went through three or four protectors before I figured out what was happening. Just because someone else carries it or you can find a pocket version of some tool doesn’t mean you should add it to your carry.
  2. Not considering your daily routine: Your EDC should be tailored to your daily routine. For instance, if you work in an office, you may not need to carry a heavy-duty knife or a multitool. You only need to carry those things that make sense for your day-to-day life. There is no reason to carry a bunch of stuff around that never comes out of your pocket except when it is time to go to bed.
  3. Focusing on brand names rather than quality: This is huge. There are plenty of good quality knives that are made by “budget” companies. My most expensive knife (Buck Sprint Pro) is also the knife that has the most problems, and I never carry it because of that. In that instance, I had the opportunity to buy it, and I did based on the brand. If I had done my regular research, I would have discovered that the problem I have with the knife is a common problem, and I wouldn’t have bought it. The lesson is to do research and find stuff that is quality.
  4. Creating a carry around a theme: This is by far the biggest mistake I made. One of the things people love to do with their EDC is to create it based on a certain theme: color (olive green), movie (Star Wars), material (brass), or team (Denver Broncos). So I started creating a wishlist of things that fell into the themes (I imagined having these different themes) instead of what I really enjoyed carrying. Now, five years or so into EDC, the theme is secondary. I have things that are in a theme that I never carry because I don’t like the items. This is not “Never create your EDC around a theme,” rather it is “Find out what you like before finding the items to make up your themed carry.”
It is easy to spend a lot of money on creating an EDC. It is impossible not to spend money on gear that you end up never using. The reality is that we can’t know how useful something is until it is part of our daily system.

It is possible, with a little bit of time, thought, and research, to create an EDC with items that fit you perfectly without also having a drawer full of stuff that never gets used.

Do you have any other mistakes that you would add to the list?

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Follow Jesus’ Example of a Faithful Life


As Christians, we are called to live a faithful life.

What does that entail, and how can we ensure that we are living in accordance with God's will?

The answer lies in following the example of Jesus. In John 6:38 (CSB), Jesus said:
“For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me."
Thus, living a faithful life involves doing God's will, just as Jesus did.

The foundation of a faithful life is following Jesus' teachings such as loving our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31), forgiving those who wrong us (Matthew 6:14-15), and serving others (Mark 10:45).

However, staying on the path of righteousness can be challenging. We may encounter trials and temptations that make it difficult to remain faithful to Jesus’ way of life.

I think we can find encouragement in knowing that even Jesus faced challenges during his time on earth. In Matthew 26:39 (CSB), Jesus prayed :

“My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
In this moment, Jesus was faced with an incredibly difficult task, the task of dying on the cross and taking on our sin. In that moment Jesus chose to submit to God's will above his own desires.

This example shows us that we too must choose to submit to God’s will, even in the face of hardship.

When we face trials and temptations, we can turn to God for strength and guidance, just as Jesus did. Through a deepening faith in God that comes from the practice of spiritual disciplines, we can find the strength to stay on the path of righteousness and honor God in all that we do.

This requires that we know what God’s will is.

We are able to discern God's will for our lives, by turning to the Bible, which contains God's truth for how we should live. Not only should we turn to the Bible, but we also need to pray and ask God for guidance. James 1:5 (CSB) states:
Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God — who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly — and it will be given to him.
Wisdom, the knowledge of living well in God’s world, is a gift from God. This is why wisdom is the product of both our faithful study of the Bible and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and minds.

Living a faithful life requires daily devotion and commitment. It means surrendering our own desires and ambitions to follow Jesus. We do this because of the conviction that following Jesus is the absolute best way to live.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Thinking Right and Worship


Worship is an essential part of the Christian life. It is the act of recognizing and praising God for who He is and what He has done. Worship is not just singing songs or attending church services; it is a way of life that centers on the recognition of God's greatness and our utter dependence on Him.

N. T. Wright, in his book Simply Christian wrote,
"Worship is at the very center of all Christian living. One of the main reasons that theology (trying to think straight about who God is) matters is that we are called to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. It matters that we learn more about who God is so that we can praise him more appropriately." (pp. 148-49)
In this quote Wright highlights the importance of theology in worship. He points out that the more we understand who God is, the more we can love and praise Him.

This idea is supported by Jesus' teach ing on the most important commandment found in Mark 12:30 (CSB):
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.
In other words, to mature in our worship of God, we must engage our entire being, including our intellect. Our love for God is not just an emotional response; it is grounded in a knowledge of who God is and what He has done for us.

Theology, the study of God and His character, helps us understand God's nature, His attributes, and His actions.

As we learn more about God, our worship becomes more meaningful and authentic. To properly worship God we need to grow in our understanding of who God is. This allows us to praise Him for His holiness, His love, His mercy, His justice, and His faithfulness. Theology informs our understanding of God so we can sing songs that reflect those truths and offer prayers that are in line with His character.

Good theology also helps us avoid false worship. It helps us discern between true and false teachings and helps us avoid worshipping idols. It reminds us that our worship is not just about what we want or feel but is primarily about honoring God.

Worship is not a passive activity but a vital aspect of the Christian life. To worship God fully, we must engage our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Theology is not an activity reserved for academics, but it is a vital part of a Christian’s worship of God. Theology helps us understand who God is and what He has done, which empowers us to praise Him more fully and avoid worshipping a false god created in our own image.

As we continue to grow in our knowledge of God, our worship will become more authentic, meaningful, and life-giving. We shouldn’t neglect theology, but instead we need to let it inform our worship of God.

How do I Know if My Pastor is Teaching the Truth?

  In a world filled with diverse voices claiming to represent God's Word, discerning truth from error is essential for every believer. S...