Wednesday, April 26, 2023

EDC Wednesday: Choosing an EDC Knife

For me, a good EDC begins with a knife. 

Why do I think that?

For starters, it can be a useful tool for everyday tasks like opening boxes, cutting rope or string, and even preparing food (which is what I use my knife for 90% of the time). It can also be a crucial tool in emergency situations like car accidents, camping trips, or other outdoor activities.

In addition to its practical uses, an EDC knife can also provide a sense of security and preparedness. Knowing that you have a reliable tool (which is same basic tool humans have been carrying for centuries) with you can give you peace of mind in potentially dangerous or unpredictable situations.

When selecting a good EDC knife, there are a few important factors to consider. 

First, because a knife is a tool the blade is the most important part of any knife. This means blade steel is an important thing to consider. Stainless steel and carbon steel are both durable options, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Stainless steel is more resistant to rust and corrosion, while carbon steel tends to hold a sharper edge for longer. In these two board categories there are different steels that range in price, hardness, and edge retention.

The shape of the blade will also depend on what you plan to use the knife for. A drop point or clip point blade may be better for everyday tasks, while a tanto or serrated blade may be more useful in emergencies. There are also the sheepsfoot that provides a good work blade that is non-threatening because it lacks is point.

The handle is another important factor to consider. G10 and Micarta are both lightweight, durable materials that provide a good grip, but other materials like wood, reinforced nylon, or carbon fiber may also be suitable depending on personal preference.

When it comes to size, a knife that is between 2.5 and 4 inches in length is generally a good choice for an EDC knife. Anything larger may be uncomfortable to carry, while anything smaller may not be as useful in a variety of situations. I think the sweet spot for a good EDC knife is 3 inches long. A 3 inch blade is long enough to do most tasks, but it is also small enough to be legal in most areas .

With folding knives you also have to consider locking mechanism. Most traditional pocket knives are slip joints with no locking mechanism. There are lock backs that have a button on the back to push to release the lock. A frame lock using part of the frame of the knife to snap into place locking the blade and a liner lock, which is the same idea but uses the liner inside the frame rather than the frame itself. There are a number of number with other locking mechanism, the cool one right now is the button lock, that helps the blade to stay in place and not fold onto your fingers.

Not only do you want the knife to lock in place when you are using it, there is also the opening mechanism to consider. There is the traditional nail nick which is found on many old pocket knives but also required two hands to open. Most folding knives today are able to be opened one handed. There are thumb studs, flipper tabs, blade holes, and spring assisted opening.
Lastly, a pocket clip can be a useful feature on an EDC knife, allowing you to clip the knife onto your pocket or waistband for easy access.

In terms of quality, it's important to choose a knife from a reputable manufacturer that has a good reputation for producing high-quality knives. A good knife may be more expensive, but it will be worth the investment in the long run.

Some examples of popular EDC knives include the Spyderco Delica, the Benchmade Mini Griptilian, CRKT Pilar, Civivi Elementum, Ontario Rat 1, and Kizer Dukes. These knives all have durable blades, comfortable handles, and pocket clips for easy carry.

There are a lot of things to consider when making the choice about an EDC knife. My suggestion is to do two things. First, watch some review videos. There are many different knife review channels, and so you can find reviews, most of the time more than one review, on any knife that you are considering. Second, buy “budget” and learn what you like in a knife. Most “budget” knife companies offer good quality, so by buying a cheaper knife you are able get an idea of  what you would use a knife for and what features you would like in a knife.

Carrying an EDC knife can provide a sense of security and preparedness in a variety of situations. When selecting a good EDC knife, consider the blade material, shape, and length, as well as the handle material, size, locking mechanism, and pocket clip. Remember to choose a knife from a reputable manufacturer with a good reputation for producing high-quality knives. With the right knife, you'll be ready to handle whatever life throws your way.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Live As One Who Is Wise


One characteristic that sets successful people apart from those who have limited success is how they use time. 

Successful people have the ability to make the most of the time they have been given, viewing it as a valuable resource that needs to be used wisely. 

On the other hand, people who have limited success tend to see time as a limitless resource and, therefore, undervalue it. Their mantra is often, "There is always tomorrow."

I have come to the conviction that many of us need to change the way we view time. Time is a valuable resource that God has given us, and just as we are called to be good stewards of our money, we need to be good stewards of our time.

The apostle Paul addressed the issue of time in Ephesians 5:

"Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk — not as unwise people but as wise — making the most of the time, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15-16; CSB)

We are called to be wise in our use of time.

But what does it mean to be wise in our use of time? 

To be wise in our use of time we need to be INTENTIONAL. This requires us to be deliberate about the activities we choose to do, ensuring that we use the time given to us in a way that honors God and allows us to make the most of our lives. We can't afford to let time slip away without purpose or direction.

To be wise in our use of time we need to be PRODUCTIVE. This requires us to use our time in a way that is constructive and beneficial. This does not mean that we need to be working all the time. Rest and relaxation are crucial elements of being wise with our time, that is one of the reasons God gave His people the Sabbath. Even during our downtime, we can use our time in a way that is productive, such as spending time with loved ones, pursuing a hobby that brings us joy, or worshipping God.

To be wise in our use of time we need to be MINDFUL. This requires that we are aware of how we are spending our time and making sure that it aligns with our values and goals. It is easy to get caught up in distractions and time-wasters, but we need to stay focused on what is important and use our time in a way that reflects our priorities.

Time is a valuable resource that God has given us, and we need to use it wisely. 

As God’s people, let us strive to be good stewards of the time we have been given by being intentional, productive, and mindful. When we live our lives in this way we honor God by making the most of every moment He has given to us.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Immediate Obedience Required


"The moment you know what God wants of you is the moment to do it. He doesn't expose sin in our lives so we can take care of it later. When God speaks, it requires immediate attention. We might be tempted to put things off until it's easier to deal with them. We might hesitate in an attempt to minimize the consequences. Yet courage does what's right regardless of situation or consequence." 
Erwin McManus, Uprising, pp. 100-01

Christians are people of faith. Biblical faith is more than simply believing, it is about trusting and obeying. In other words, we are to trust God more than we trust ourselves. This trust will come out in the way we live. If we trust God then we will do what He says. We will act immediately, regardless of the potential consequences.

In our American culture, it's easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and ignore the Holy Spirit nudging us to take action. It also becomes easy to put off doing what we know is right because we don't want to deal with the difficulty, discomfort, or even the opposition that may come with it. But as McManus wrote, we cannot afford to procrastinate when it comes to fulfilling God's plan for our lives.

The Bible  has many examples of people who were called to do difficult things for God but initially hesitated or procrastinated. Moses, for instance, was reluctant at first to lead the Israelites out of Egypt because he didn't feel equipped for the task. Yet, once he finally submitted to God's will, he became the prototypical leader for Israel.

Similarly, Jonah resisted God's call at first to preach repentance to the people of Nineveh, but a few days in the stomach of a fish, Jonah listened to God’s call, and great city of Nineveh experienced a revival. 

Both of these stories remind us that obedience to God's will often requires us to step outside of our comfort zones and do things that we simply don’t want to do.

Along those same lines, when God reveals our sin to us, it's not so that we can feel guilty or ashamed. Rather, it's an opportunity for us to repent and turn away from our wrongdoing. But this process of repentance requires courage and humility. We need to acknowledge our faults, confess our sins, and seek forgiveness. This is crucial to do, even if it means admitting our mistakes to others.

It is essential to recognize that sin has serious consequences. It damages our relationships with others, harms ourselves, and ultimately it separates us from God. This is why it's vital to deal with sin as soon as possible rather than putting it off until a later time.

I also want to note that following God's will doesn't necessarily mean that life will be easy or without challenges. In fact it is often quite the opposite. We may face resistance, persecution, or even danger when we step out in faith to do what God has called us to do. Yet, as Erwin McManus emphasized, courage does what's right regardless of the situation or consequence.

Courageous obedience to God's will requires that we trust Him more than we trust ourselves and that we believe He has our best interests at heart, even when we can't see the bigger picture. This boldness requires us to believe that God will provide us with the strength, wisdom, and resources we need to accomplish His plan for our lives.

Whaat Erwin McManus wrote in Uprising is a good reminder that following God's will requires immediate action. We must step out in faith, even when it's uncomfortable or inconvenient. We must confront our sin and seek forgiveness, knowing that this is the first step towards restoration with God.

As we strive to live a life that honors God and demonstrates His character, we need to remember that we are not alone in this journey. We have the Holy Spirit to guide us, the Bible to instruct us, and the Church to support us. Let us commit to living a life of courageous obedience to God's will, trusting that He will lead us on a path of purpose and fulfillment.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Sunday Prayer: Set My Mind On Things Above


Father in Heaven,

I come before you with a heart full of gratitude and praise. I ask that you open my heart and mind to your wisdom as I meditate on your truth that is revealed in the Bible. I thank you for the guidance you have given to me through Scripture and I commit to aligning my life to its truth.

Father, empower me to set my heart on things above, the things of heaven. May I not be consumed by the distractions and temptations of the world, but rather my I be focused on you and your character.

Help me to die to my flesh and rise again as a new creation in Jesus, filled with your Spirit and empowered to live a life of holiness and righteousness. I pray that my mind may be renewed by your truth and that I may be transformed by the power of your love. May I seek first your kingdom and your righteousness, and trust that you will provide all my needs.

Fill me with the joy and peace that come from knowing Jesus, and may my life be a testimony to your grace and goodness. And may all glory and honor be given to you, now and forever. Amen.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

To The Chosen People

 1 Peter 1:1-2 (NLT)
This letter is from Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ.

I am writing to God’s chosen people who are living as foreigners in the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. God the Father knew you and chose you long ago, and his Spirit has made you holy. As a result, you have obeyed him and have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

May God give you more and more grace and peace.

The Apostle Peter's letter to Christians who were scattered throughout the Roman Empire. Following Jesus meant that they lived as foreigners even though they were at home in the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.

This is our reality as well. Most of us were born right here in the United States, yet, as followers of Jesus we find ourselves as aliens and foreigners in our own country. I think this is one reason why the message of 1 Peter is relevant to us today as it was to the believers of that time.

In this opening passage, Peter addressed three crucial points: the identity of his readers, their divine calling, and the grace and peace available to them.

First, Peter identified his readers as "God's chosen people." This description reminds us that as Christians, we have been called out of darkness of the world and into the light of God’s kingdom. We are not ordinary people, but rather we are holy, set apart for God's purposes. This identity gives us a purpose and a community. We may live as foreigners in a world that does not understand or accept us, but we belong to a community, the Church, that is made up of God’s people. In this community we are able to live out our purpose and discover the love we need.

Second, Peter emphasized that God chose his readers long ago and that his Spirit has made them holy. From the start of creation, God’s plan has always to have a people who would be faithful to Him. Our salvation is not a result of our own efforts or merit but is entirely due to God's grace and mercy. In fact, according to Peter, the entire Trinity, is involved in our salvation. The Father created the plan, the Spirit transforms us and makes us holy, and Jesus secured our forgiveness on the cross. This truth should humble us and fill us with gratitude for God's great love and amazing grace.

Finally, Peter ended his greeting by praying that God would give his readers grace and peace. Grace, which was a standard greeting in Greek letters, is the unmerited favor of God that enables us to live a life pleasing to him. Peace, which was the standard Jewish greeting, is the well-being a person experiences by being in a right relationship with God. Both of these blessings are available to us through Jesus Christ, and Peter encouraged his readers to expect them as gifts from God as they followed Jesus.

Peter's letter to the chosen people reminds us of our identity as God’s holy people, our divine calling through God's grace, and the abundant blessings of grace and peace available to us through Jesus Christ. As we navigate the challenges of life in a sin corrupted world, may we hold on to these truths and find strength and comfort in Jesus.

Friday, April 21, 2023

A Change of Heart and Mind

The apostle Paul wrote:
So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Colossians 3:1-4; CSB)
In this passage, we discover two crucial parts of discipleship. In order to follow Jesus and experience the transforming working of the Holy Spirit, we must start with our minds.

Colossians 3 begins by reminding us that we have been raised with Christ, and therefore, we need to seek the things above. This is very similar to what Jesus taught during the Sermon on the Mount: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.” (Matthew 6:33; CSB)

This means that the first crucial part of discipleship is to have a transformation of our values. We can’t continue to chase after the things the world values: pleasure, success, money, and recognition and follow Jesus. Disciples are to value the things of Heaven.

Our values change because our identity has changed. We are now citizens and ambassadors of God’s kingdom. To be ambassadors of the Kingdom of God means that we represent Him in the world, and we can only do that if we value God and His kingdom above all else.

Colossians 3 continues in verse 2 by saying that we need to set our minds on the things above. To set our minds on the things above isn’t about trying to imagine pearly gates and streets of gold, but meditating on heavenly things.

This brings us to the second crucial part of discipleship, and that is, we need to have a change of mind. Having a change of mind means what we think about and believe needs to be in line with God’s will and word. Rather than having opinions and thoughts that are shaped by politics, social media, and partisan news networks, our minds are influenced by the Bible, prayer, and other Christians.

The passage goes on to remind us that we have died to ourselves and that our lives are hidden with God through Jesus. The lives we live are not our lives, but they belong to God. We may be able to see a change of heart and a change of behavior, but these changes are only the beginning of the transformation that Jesus has promised to us. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are no longer slaves to sin but instead, we are made new in him.

This happens because our old selves, with their sinful desires and selfish pursuits, are crucified with Christ, and we are raised to new life. This new life is characterized by a desire to please God by demonstrating His character in this world through the way we live.

Finally, Colossians 3:4 teaches us that when Jesus returns, we will also appear with him in glory. This is a reminder of the hope that we have because of Jesus’ death and resurrection. We know that this life is not all there is, and that one day Jesus will return and make everything right, and that God will come and dwell with His people.

This hope should inspire us to live our lives with purpose and intentionality. We are to seek to live our lives in a way that honors God and reflects His love to those around us. In this way, we show that we value the things of heaven over the things of the world.

The passage of Colossians 3:1-4 serves as a significant reminder of the pivotal role our minds and hearts play in discipleship. Our ability to progress with Jesus depends on the transformation of our values and thoughts. Such a transformation empowers us with the strength to live the lives that God had intended for us from the very beginning.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

An Essential Part of Discipleship

Forgiveness is a essential part of being a disciple of Jesus. Forgiveness is not only about releasing others from their wrongdoing, but it is also about freeing ourselves from the pain and hurt that have been holding us back.

In Colossians 3:13, it says:
Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. This verse highlights the importance of forgiveness and encourages us to forgive others as God has forgiven us. (NLT)

It is understandable to hold onto past hurts as a way of protecting ourselves from future pain, but this can be detrimental to our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Instead of protecting us, holding onto anger and resentment creates a constant state of negativity, which prevents us from fully living our lives. Not forgiving is like carrying a heavy backpack filled with rocks that weighs us down and makes it difficult to move forward.

Forgiveness is a process of letting go of the pain and negativity we have been holding onto. It does not mean excusing or justifying the actions of the person who hurt us. Instead, it is about releasing ourselves from the burden of anger, resentment, and hurt. When we forgive, we create space for healing and reconciliation, and we give ourselves permission to move on from the past and focus demonstrating God’s character in this world.

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus taught: “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matthew 6:14-15; NLT)

This teaching emphasizes the importance of forgiveness not only for our own healing but also for our relationship with God. We can’t demonstrate God’s character, which includes His forgiving nature, while withholding forgiveness from others.

Forgiveness is not always easy, but it is essential for our wellbeing and spiritual growth. It is a choice that we make for both the person who hurt us and for ourselves. By forgiving, we let go of the hurt and pain that's been holding us back and create room for healing and reconciliation. We owe it to ourselves and our relationship with God to let go and move forward, free from the past so we can continue to follow Jesus into the future.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

EDC Wednesday: $100 EDC From Amazon


Last month, Taylor Martin over at The Best Damn EDC took on a challenge of buying a complete EDC kit on Amazon for $100. He had done a similar challenge a few years ago and asked his followers what the bare minimum EDC carry would be. They determined that a wallet, watch, pen/pencil, flashlight, key organizer, and a tool (knife, multitool, pry bar) were essential items. This formed the foundation for his challenge, and he completed several challenges ($50, $100, $200) at different stores using that combination.

However, the challenge he did last month had a slightly different focus. He was looking for a wallet, pen, flashlight, key organizer, knife, and multitool. As I watched the video, I wondered what I could do for $100 on Amazon. I decided to challenge myself to find items I would recommend to a person creating an Everyday Carry for the first time. So, I opted not to look for a wallet or key organizer because I assumed most people already have those things covered.

Therefore, I searched for a knife, multitool, pen, flashlight, and pocket organizer, and here's what I found.

I don't have an extra $100 lying around to buy this kit, but it doesn't matter because I already own and carry all of this gear except for the knife. That's why I feel comfortable recommending any of this stuff to a person who wants to know what to get when starting out in EDC.


For my multitool, I decided to go with the Victorinox Swiss Army Tinker. There are several reasons why I chose the Tinker. First, because it's a Swiss Army knife, it's non-threatening and can be used when other people are around. Second, the Tinker version has a Philips screwdriver instead of a corkscrew, which is more practical for everyday situations. Third, like most Swiss Army knives, it comes with tweezers, which I've used to remove splinters from my kids' hands. I like having tweezers on me. You can get the Tinker cheaper if you go with the traditional red version, but I went with the black because I had a black and silver theme going on.


A few weeks ago, while browsing knives on Amazon, I came across the Civivi Mini Praxis for under $30 and was tempted to get it. Although I don't personally own or use it, my EDC knife is a Civivi Baklash (which I carry 90% of the time) and most of the YouTube reviewers like the Civivi brand, so I'm confident that the Mini Praxis would be a solid choice for someone looking for an EDC knife. I also think that the 3-inch blade is the perfect size for EDC.


There are a couple of flashlights in this price range that I would recommend to people. My favorite is the Lumintop Tool AA, which I carry most of the time. The reason is that it uses 1 AA battery instead of 1 AAA battery like the others, so it's a bit brighter at its brightest. I also like that it's a bit bigger than the AAA flashlights.

Pocket Organizer 

Since three of these items have a pocket clip, you could clip them to the top of your pocket instead of letting them ride loose in your pocket, but I don't like that. Besides my knife, I like keeping my gear in an organizer. I have several, but my favorite is this Diodrio leather pocket organizer. It's perfect for my small Leatherman Style PS, Lumintop flashlight, and Zebra Compact Pen.


We all have our favorite pens. My favorite pens are the Zebra ballpoint pens, so when I discovered that they made a compact version, I knew that was what I would use in my EDC. The compact size fits perfectly in the pocket organizer, which means I have a quality pen with me at all times.

Everyday Carry can get expensive, especially if you end up buying a bunch of stuff that you don't like or don't use. That's why finding budget gear is the way to begin, as it allows you to try things out to see if they're the right fit for you before you spend a lot of money on something you may not like. When you do that, you may discover that this budget gear fits you just right and that there's no reason to upgrade.

Keep carrying.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Creating a Morning Routine


A morning routine can be a game-changer when it comes to starting your day off on the right foot. Many successful people swear by having a consistent routine that helps guide the start of the day. I have also discovered that a morning routine helps me make room in my day for spiritual disciplines

But what exactly are the benefits of having a morning routine, and why is it so important?

Having a consistent morning routine can provide numerous benefits to your mental and physical well-being. Here are just a few of them:
  1. Sets the Tone for the Day — Starting your day off with a consistent routine helps to set the tone for the rest of the day. When you have a set routine that you follow every morning, it gives you a sense of control and structure. This can help to reduce stress and anxiety and create a sense of calm and focus.
  2. Boosts Productivity — When you have a morning routine, you start your day with intention and purpose. This can help to boost productivity and increase your overall effectiveness throughout the day. By starting your day off with tasks that are important to you, you can create momentum that carries you through the rest of your day.
  3. Improves Mental Health — A morning routine can also be beneficial for your mental health. When you have a set routine, it can help to reduce anxiety and stress. Taking time for yourself in the morning can also help you feel more centered and grounded. This can help you to start your day with a positive attitude and increase your overall well-being.
  4. Creates Consistency — Consistency is key when it comes to creating habits that stick. By establishing a morning routine, you can create consistency in your life. This consistency can help you to feel more in control of your life and can help you to establish other healthy habits throughout your day.
  5. Increases Energy — A morning routine can help to increase your energy levels. When you start your day with healthy habits, such as exercise, meditation, or a healthy breakfast, it can help to give you a boost of energy that lasts throughout the day. This can help you to feel more alert and focused and can improve your overall productivity and well-being.
Having a morning routine can be an important tool in helping us be good stewards of the life God has given us. So how do we go about creating one?

Here are some tips for creating a morning routine that works for you:
  1. Start with your ideal wake-up time — Decide what time you want to wake up each morning and plan your routine around that.
  2. Include activities that energize you — Consider including activities like walking, weight lifting, yoga, or body weight exercises - anything that helps you feel energized and focused.
  3. Plan for what needs to be done — Think about the things you need to do to get ready for the day, like taking a shower, eating breakfast, and brushing your teeth. These activities are a normal part of the morning, but they need to be scheduled, otherwise, the routine will feel hurried and unhelpful.
  4. Make time for spiritual formation — Consider what disciplines would be beneficial to do on a daily basis and would get the day started on the right foot. Disciplines such as Bible reading, prayer, singing worship music, meditation, or journaling. These activities can help you focus the day on God.
  5. Be consistent — Stick to your morning routine as much as possible, even on weekends. This will help you create a habit and reap the full benefits of a consistent routine.
  6. Be flexible — Be open to adjusting your routine as needed. Life is unpredictable, so be willing to make changes when necessary.
Establishing a morning routine can be a game-changer for a productive and fulfilling day, and it can also contribute to our spiritual growth. By investing some time and effort into creating a personalized routine, we can cultivate a sense of purpose, energy, focus, and spiritual connectedness.

To make the most of this habit, it's important to maintain a balance of consistency and flexibility, and to prioritize activities that align with our well-being and values. As good stewards of our time, we can leverage the power of a morning routine to enhance our lives and make progress towards our goals.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Beyond Feelings and Intentions

In his book The Spirit of the Disciplines, Dallas Willard wrote:

One of the greatest deceptions in the practice of the Christian religion is the idea that all that really matters is our internal feelings, ideas, beliefs, and intentions. It is this mistake about the psychology of the human being that more than anything else divorces salvation from life, leaving us a headful of vital truths about God and a body unable to fend off sin. (p. 152)
This quote highlights a common mistake among Christians: the belief that our internal feelings, ideas, beliefs, and intentions are all that matter in our relationship with God. This idea leads to a twisted view of salvation, one that emphasizes knowledge and feeling over action and change, which leaves us stunted in our spiritual formation.

To truly live as disciples of Jesus, we need a discipleship that integrates our thoughts, emotions, and actions. The spiritual formation that is to happen in our minds and hearts must be reflected in the way we live and interact with the world around us.

I think it is crucial to remember that ongoing spiritual formation requires both a change of mind and a change of behavior. Repentance leads to a change of mind which motivates a change of behavior which leads to a renewed repentance that flows into a changed mind which results in a change of behavior. And this cycle keeps us moving forward in our spiritual formation.

One crucial part in this process is the practice of spiritual disciplines. Spiritual disciplines are intentional habits and practices that help us align our minds and hearts with God's will. Disciplines such as prayer, Bible study, fasting, and solitude, allow us to train our minds to focus on God's truth and our hearts to respond in obedience.

However, spiritual disciplines alone are not enough. We also need to cultivate a lifestyle of service and selflessness. As Jesus himself said, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24; NLT)

To deny ourselves means that we put aside our own desires and preferences so we can love God and love our neighbor. We know that we maturing in our discipleship as it becomes second nature for us to love.

Ultimately, our salvation is not just a matter of intellectual understanding or emotional experience; it is a transformation of our whole being. As Willard writes, "Salvation is not just a matter of being saved from our sins; it is a matter of being saved to be the kind of person who naturally does the good and right thing" (p. 153).

We need to reject the belief that our feelings and intentions are all that matter in our spiritual formation. Instead, let us embrace a discipleship that integrates our thoughts, emotions, and actions in pursuit of God's will. This is how we become the people God created us to be.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Sunday Prayer: Thank You For Life

Heavenly Father,

I approach You with a heart full of gratitude for the gift of life that You have given me. I thank You for sustaining me, protecting me, and guiding me in all my ways.

Lord, You have entrusted me with the responsibility of caring for my life, and I recognize that it is only through You that I can make wise choices that lead to life. Grant me Your wisdom and discernment, that I may choose the path of life that leads to You.

Help me to stay connected to You, the source of all life, through faith in Your Son, Jesus Christ. Strengthen me to follow Him, even when it is difficult, so that I may experience the abundant life that He offers.

I declare today that I choose life, and I ask for Your guidance and protection as I walk in this path. May my life bring glory to You and be a testimony of Your goodness and grace.

In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.

Questions God Asks: Where Are You?

On  March 28, 2007, Misty Ann Weaver, a vocational nurse, started a fire in a mid-rise office building in an attempt to delay an audit for h...