Friday, March 17, 2023

Continue the Struggle

 It is no secret that life is hard. Even when we are following Jesus and doing God’s will, life doesn’t get any easier. We may sometimes expect things to be easier if we are doing what is right, even though this has never been promised. We want to be validated and reassured that we are doing the right thing.

It is logical to assume that if we are doing God’s will, then things would be difficult. 

Why should we assume that? 

Because the enemy is opposed to God. 

If we are making progress in overcoming sin in our lives, if we are in a relationship that God wants us to be a part of, if we are part of a ministry that is making a difference in the community, or if we are standing up for what is right, we shouldn't be surprised if things are difficult.

However, we can't solely evaluate things based on whether things are going well or not. 

Sometimes things will go well even though it is God’s will, and sometimes things will be a struggle even though it goes against God’s law.

All I want to do is to remind you that struggling isn’t a bad thing. When following God’s will becomes a struggle, it gives us an opportunity to grow and appreciate what God has in store for us on the other side of the struggle.

In the midst of our struggles, we need to remember what Jesus said to the church in Smyrna:

“Write to the angel of the church in Smyrna: Thus says the First and the Last, the one who was dead and came to life: I know your affliction and poverty, but you are rich. I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Don’t be afraid of what you are about to suffer. Look, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison to test you, and you will experience affliction for ten days. Be faithful to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life. 

“Let anyone who has ears to hear listen to what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who conquers will never be harmed by the second death. (Revelation 2:8-11; CSB)

Jesus told this group of His followers not to give up in the face of persecution. “Hang in there,” He says, “this won’t last forever.”

Our struggle may not be persecution. 

Our struggle, most likely, are circumstances haven't turned out the way we expected. That realization that our dreams haven’t gone according to our plans, which causes us to wonder if we are really in the right place. We ask ourselves, “Should I continue to live by faith, or should I just give up?”

I don’t think there are any hard and fast rules for such situations, but let me offer you a few thoughts.

First, is to ask yourself the question, “Is my struggle related to living righteously and faithfully?” If the answer is yes, then you are doing what God wants you to do. When your desire is to honor God, to encourage and love people, and to grow in your knowledge and faith, then there are many places you can go and things you can do and remain in God’s will. Living a life that honors God by following Jesus is a life that Satan opposes.

Second, consider letting go of your dreams. I think God allows people to go through struggle because their dreams need to be changed. We miss out on the life God wants us to live when we cling too tightly to the dreams we have for our lives. Remember, we may even have to lay down our best dreams for our lives in order to experience God’s best for us. Letting go of a dream is an act of faith because we have to trust that God’s will for our lives is greater than our dreams.

Third, get the opinions of different Christians. These could be people you have a close relationship with or not. The two criteria are that you respect their opinion and they faithfully follow Jesus. We still need to evaluate what they have to tell us, but they will help us see things from a different perspective. Too often, we are so closely involved in the situation that we fail to see all the different angles it has. The perspective of other Christians helps us see things more clearly.

Life is tough. Just because life is tough doesn’t mean that we are not doing God’s will. Often, the struggle is an indication that we are doing what God wants us to do, and the Enemy is opposing us. We need to stay faithful, and in the end, we will experience the life God created us to live.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Technology and the Christian

Technology is a part of our existence. 

It is to be expected that people, who are created in the image of God, will create things that improve our lives on planet Earth.

There is no doubt that we have benefited from all sorts of technologies that we don’t give a second thought to because they are normal part of our daily lives. 

Wheels, hammers, plows, indoor plumbing, printed books, and cars are all examples of technology that has influenced our lives to such a degree that we don’t even think about them. These technologies allow us to travel more quickly, feed more people, and inform  larger audiences than we could without them.

Most, if not all, technology has pros and cons. Cars have made travel easier and faster, but they also use up enormous amounts of resources and add pollution in the environment. A technology that sticks around usually has a net benefit, as people believe that its pros outweighs its cons.

We are moving into a new wave of technology. Technologies that are going to challenge our beliefs about what it means to be human and our purpose in this world. In many ways this is an extension of the wave of technology we have already adopted: personal computers, internet, search engines, smartphones, and social media. 

Since we didn’t do a good job of thinking through the impact of these new technologies, which have brought a net benefit to our culture, we are experience some profound negative consequences. Things like depression, loneliness, and despair are on the rise. Take for instance this article, A Week Off Social Media Boosts Mental Health, that shows a link between our social media usage and our mental well being.

The last few days I have been doing some thinking around the subjects of Artificial Intelligence and Trans-humanism (I have also thought about the use of psychedelics as a way to explore the spiritual side of life), because these are going to be a reality in our culture before we know it, and as people who follow Jesus we will need to know how to respond.

Artificial Intelligence focuses on the development of machines that give them the ability to make decisions, problem solve, learn, and create. AI will allow computers to create things faster than people can create and that will be indistinguishable from what people can create.

Transhumanism is a philosophy and movement that advocates for the use of advanced technologies to enhance human abilities, both physical and cognitive. The goal of transhumanism is to transcend the limitations of the human condition and create a post-human future in which people are healthier, stronger, more intelligent, and more resilient than ever before.

I am not qualified to talk about these things in depth. With that acknowledgment, I have thought about these issues and how to help followers of Jesus to think rightly about them. The following are 5 topics I think are important to address if Christians are going to intelligently engage in the conversation.

  1. What is means to be human. When God created human beings in His image what does that mean? Part of what it means is to accept that we have limitations, and that in those limitations we learn to trust in God’s provision and help. Humans are also tasked with being productive and not just consume.
  2. The difference between wisdom and knowledge. We have had the knowledge of the world at our fingertips for a few years now, but with AI we will be able to access it in such a way that it will make education as we know it obsolete. One of the Bible’s main themes is wisdom, and wisdom isn’t simply acquired through knowledge. Wisdom, which is the knowledge for living well in God’s world, comes from prayer, personal relationships, experience, and contemplation. Wisdom can’t be downloaded from a computer into our minds.
  3. The importance of the Body. This is the reason why I am so big on talking about Resurrection and New Creation. The Christian Hope is not our souls going to Heaven when we die,is but receiving new bodies to live in God’s renewed Creation. To be human is to have a body and we experience the world through our bodies. Our bodies matter and we should be good stewards of these bodies that God has given to us as we prepare for God’s New Creation.
  4. What is reality? Discerning what is real from what is fake and what is true from what is false is going to become more and more difficult. We won’t be able to tell if an image was taken with a camera or generated by a computer. Animated movies will be impossible to distinguish from live action movies. We might even begin to wonder if life is real or if we are just part of some big simulation. Getting away from devices, unplugging from the matrix, and enjoying real places and people will be essential.
  5. The importance of connectedness with people and the rest of creation. We are experiencing a growing numbness already with the world around us. Reading about tragedies and experiencing the lives of others through YouTube disconnects us from the realities of everyday life. The more we engage in our own personal interfaces with technology the more life becomes about us and our desires, and we loose the connection to the people around us.

This is a quick summary of the ponderings I have done the last few days. I am not posing as an expert on these issues. Rather, I am pointing out the areas I think are crucial for Christians to think through so we enter into the conversation thoughtfully and productively rather than reactively. It is crucial for Christians to be able to thoughtfully participate conversation and bring a unique God-centered perspective to these issues.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Asking for a Friend: If God is Good, Why does He Allow Evil to Exist?

Everyone has questions. Some questions we can find the answer with a quick search on Google. Other questions are more intimidating. Questions that surround our faith can be scary because we worry about what the answer might be and whether or not those answer will affect our faith. What ends up happening is that we ignore the question, but that question still lingers in the back of our mind.

In Asking for a Friend we want to look at a few of these questions and see if there is a way to provide an answer to them that will not only strengthen our faith, but also help us see the world through a more Christian perspective.

One of the fundamental beliefs in Christianity is that God is good. Most of the time, when we are experiencing the good things of life, this is easy to believe, but it becomes harder to accept when we consider the reality of evil. We imagine that if we were loving and good and all-powerful we wouldn’t let bad things happen. This leads us to the conclusion that God is not good, all-powerful, or even real. This question is a crucial one to answer.

Text: Job 38:1-7
Big Idea: God addresses the problem of evil through Jesus and His faithful people.
Challenge: Resist evil by doing good.

EDC Wednesday: What is Everyday Carry?

 I am a big proponent of Everyday Carry. All of us have an everyday carry, whether we realize it or not.

An Everyday Carry is the set of items you take with you every time you leave the house. Most of us make sure we have a wallet, keys, and our phones on us when we go to work or run few errands. It is worth asking, “Is there anything else that might be useful during the day?”

The concept behind Everyday Carry (EDC) is carrying items that prove useful to us as we go about our normal daily tasks. Things like our wallets, phones, and keys they are everyday carry items by default, because they are things we know we need everyday. Building out an actual EDC involves thinking through the items that could be carried with you everyday that would make your life easier.

The EDC world focuses on a few basic items when it comes to a daily carry: knife, multi-tool, flashlight, pen, watch, and handkerchief. This may be the type of gear that EDC people focus on, that does not mean that these are the items that will prove useful in your daily life. For instance I know of a few people who carry nail clippers, not only for clipping nails, but for other small cutting tasks.

This is what my current EDC looks like:

After several years of experimenting with different items, this what I have come to like the best. 

In the picture I have a Leatherman Skeletool, Civivi Baklash, Tom’s Fidgets Flippy Chain, Olight i3t flashlight, Zebra Telescopic Pen, Victorinox Tinker Swiss Army Knife, Dryki Microfiber Handkerchief, and Norwex Optic Scarf.

This set of gear is a good combination of what is practical for me and what I simply enjoy carrying. As a pastor I don’t have a need for a knife the size of the Baklash on a daily basis, but I like carrying it (the Baklash is my favorite knife), so I carry it. I carry it, not because it is practical, but because of enjoyment. The Skeletool, between the pliers and the screwdriver, is enough to do most small jobs the might pop up during the day. I carry it because it is practical and useful on a regular basis.

An EDC is the set of items that you carry that are useful to you on daily basis. They might have a practical function or they might simply bring you joy.

All of us are going to carry things in our pockets and bags as we go about our lives, so lets put some thought into what goes along with us everyday. 

Be Wise

Robert Fulghum once wrote in the   Kansas City Times , "Most of what I really need to know about how to live, and what to do, and how t...