Friday, October 4, 2024

Identity: From Corruption to New Creation


We often hear that human beings are created in the image of God. But what does that really mean? It’s about more than just physical likeness; it’s about purpose. Being made in God’s image means we are meant to represent Him in the world—to reflect His character and love in all we say and do. To help us accomplish this, God has equipped us with tools like intelligence, creativity, and discernment, enabling us to steward His good creation.

However, there is a problem: sin. In Genesis 3, we see the introduction of sin into the world, corrupting the image of God in us. The Apostle Paul sums this up clearly in Romans 3:23: “All have sinned and fall short of God’s glorious standard” (NLT). Sin disconnects us from God, distorting our ability to live as His representatives. Instead of being guided by the Spirit, we are led by our flesh, bringing dishonor to God.

This disconnection from God leads to a deep identity crisis. People wander through life, unsure of their purpose and significance. Across different cultures and belief systems, we see this search for meaning—Who am I? Why am I here? In a world grasping for answers, the Bible gives us the truth: we are created in God's image, but that image has been tainted by our choice to define good and evil on our terms. However, there is hope! The Gospel reveals that through Christ, we can rediscover our identity and purpose.

The Problem of Sin and the Promise of Reconciliation
In 2 Corinthians, Paul addresses this profound truth. His second letter to the Corinthians came after a period of significant challenges within the church. In his first letter, he had confronted them about division, immorality, and false teaching. By the time of this letter, there had been genuine change, and Paul was encouraged. He took the opportunity not only to reaffirm his apostleship but to remind the Corinthians of the reconciliation we now have with God because of Jesus.

Paul’s motivation is clear in 2 Corinthians 5:14-15:
For the love of Christ compels us, since we have reached this conclusion, that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the one who died for them and was raised. (CSB)

Paul is driven by Christ’s love. Because Jesus died to bring reconciliation to people, Paul was willing to sacrifice his own comfort to bring the Gospel to the world. And just as Jesus died for us, Paul urges us to “die” to our old way of living—our beliefs, desires, and goals—and live for Christ. As believers, our mission is now tied to Jesus' mission: to reconcile people to God.

In 2 Corinthians 5:16-17, Paul highlights a critical shift in perspective:
From now on, then, we do not know anyone from a worldly perspective. Even if we have known Christ from a worldly perspective, yet now we no longer know him in this way. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come! (CSB)

Before, Paul evaluated everything—including Jesus—through the lens of the flesh. But now, as a new creation in Christ, everything has changed. The Holy Spirit transforms us, preparing us for the entirety of New Creation, complete with a new heaven and a new earth. This transformation is ongoing; the moment Jesus rose from the dead, a new creation began, and we are invited into it. Sin no longer defines us because we are no longer enslaved to it. Instead, we are empowered by the Spirit, producing the fruit of eternal life like love, joy, and peace. We are made new to reflect God's character once more.

A New Creation with a New Mission
In 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 Paul explains that through Jesus, we are reconciled to God.
Everything is from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. That is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and he has committed the message of reconciliation to us. 
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us. We plead on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God.” He made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (CSB)

This reconciliation is not something we accomplish on our own; it is God’s work. Sadly, the world doesn’t realize they are separated from God. They are living their lives the best they can with the wisdom given to them.

This is where followers of Jesus come in. Paul refers to himself as an ambassador for Christ—someone sent from the Kingdom of God with a message of reconciliation. As we mature spiritually, this is our calling as well. We are no longer just stewards of God’s creation; we are ambassadors, sent into the world with the Good News of Jesus.

Christ took on our sin so we could be reconciled to God and restored to our original design. As ambassadors, we carry this message of peace into the world, to people who desperately need it. Our purpose shifts from simply tending to creation to bringing the message of salvation to a lost and dying world.

Sin Corrupts, but Jesus Restores
We are made in God's image, designed to reflect His character. Sin, however, corrupts that image, separating us from God and leading us to dishonor Him. But God, in His great love, sent Jesus to be our representative, dying in our place so that we could be part of His new creation. Through Jesus, we die to our old life and are made new, empowered by the Holy Spirit to live for God’s Kingdom. As we mature in Christ, our purpose becomes clear: to be ambassadors for Christ, taking the message of reconciliation into the world.

Moving Forward in Christ
What does this mean for us today? It means focusing on our spiritual formation in Christ. What is your next step? Perhaps it’s confession and prayer, or maybe you need to forgive someone or take up the discipline of Bible reading. Maybe it’s time to share the Gospel with a friend who is searching for purpose. Our spiritual growth equips us to be better ambassadors for Christ, able to share the Good News with others.

Though sin may distort God's image in us, it does not have the final word. God's love for His creation remains, and He has made a way for us to be renewed—through Jesus. Our true identity is found in Him, and as we walk with Christ, we become more like the people God created us to be.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

You Are A Theologian


One of the fundamental aspects of being human is that we think. Some people may reflect more deeply than others, but all of us, at some point, have pondered life's big questions. It’s in our nature to think and to seek understanding.

This natural inclination to think means that, on some level, every person is a theologian.

Stanley Grenz wrote in his book Theology for the Community of God:

"Every Christian is a theologian. Whether consciously or unconsciously, each person of faith embraces a belief system. And each believer, whether in a deliberate manner or merely implicitly, reflects on the content of these beliefs and their significance for Christian life." (p. 1)

In other words, you are a theologian. Every time you contemplate who God is or reflect on His existence, you engage in the discipline of theology. Even though people—both inside and outside of the Christian community—disagree about the nature of God, the act of thinking about such things makes us all theologians. This reflective process plays a key role in shaping our worldview.

Your worldview, the set of beliefs through which you interpret the world, is rooted in your thoughts about God. If you’re reading this, chances are you already have specific beliefs about God’s role in the world and in your life. These beliefs shape how you understand the world and influence the way you live.

For me personally, what I believe about God shapes my understanding of right and wrong, my sense of purpose, and the hope I have for the future. It informs my perspective on the creation of the world, historical events, the present, and what lies ahead. My faith brings moments of joy, guilt, hope, and sorrow. In essence, reflecting on God guides every aspect of my life.

What’s remarkable is that God grants us the freedom to choose what we believe about Him. He doesn’t force our beliefs; He invites us to decide. This means that as you ponder God’s existence, you also determine the place He will have in your life.

The question you need to consider is: “Will you allow Him to guide you, or will you ignore Him?”

The choice is yours.

This freedom also brings with it a personal responsibility. You can’t rely solely on your family’s beliefs or simply go along with the crowd. You must seek the truth for yourself.

It’s essential to pause and think deeply about what you believe and why. I firmly believe that God desires us to think critically about our beliefs so that we gain a better understanding of life and the world around us.

While we each bear responsibility for our own faith, we also have the potential to impact the lives of others. Through our conversations and the way we live, we influence those around us—especially those closest to us. That’s why it’s important to be intentional about learning, teaching, and living out the truth.

The apostle Paul gave Timothy this advice:

"Practice these things; be committed to them, so that your progress may be evident to all. Pay close attention to your life and your teaching; persevere in these things, for in doing this you will save both yourself and your hearers." (1 Timothy 4:15-16, CSB)

Paul reminds Timothy that what he believes about God is crucial and that his faith should shape his life. We should take this to heart as well, allowing our beliefs about God to guide our actions and decisions.

You are a theologian. The ideas you develop about God will influence the direction of your life. Don’t just follow someone else’s beliefs—take the time to think deeply about who God is and what that means for your life. Being a theologian is one of the most important roles you’ll ever play. Don’t ignore this great responsibility.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Identity: Created in God’s Image


There’s a funny, and likely untrue, story about Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, visiting a retirement community. As she made her way through, shaking hands with the residents, she encountered a woman who didn’t seem to recognize her. Thatcher asked, “Do you know who I am?” The woman replied, “No, but if you ask that nurse over there, she usually knows.”

This humorous exchange highlights a deeper truth: many of us go through life asking, “Who am I?”

It's not uncommon to feel lost or uncertain about our identity. Our culture constantly pushes us to conform, to find our worth in achievements, appearances, careers, or possessions. In the midst of this, we can lose sight of who we really are.

Thankfully, there is One who knows exactly who we are: the God who created us.

The Questions We All Ask

Life’s big questions—Where did I come from? Who am I? Why am I here? How should I live? Where am I going?—highlight our search for identity. Trying to find the answers to these questions drives much of what we do. Whether it’s searching for meaning in careers, relationships, or even hobbies, at the root of it all, people are trying to discover their identity and ultimately their place in the world.

Thankfully, we have good news: the Bible provides answers. In a world where people are searching for identity, the Bible tells us who we are, why we’re here, and what our purpose is.

Beginning at Creation: You Are Not an Accident

The answers we are searching for are found at the beginning, in Genesis, with creation. It’s important to remember that we are not here by accident. God created us intentionally and with purpose. We can discover answers to life’s biggest questions as we come to understand the very reason God created us.

The account of creation found in Genesis is not just a story about how the world came to be; it's a declaration of who created the world and why. God made everything—space, skies, water, land, animals, and plants—and then, in a deliberate and special moment, He created us.

Let’s look at Genesis 1:26-27:

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, the whole earth, and the creatures that crawl on the earth.”  

So God created man in His own image;  

He created him in the image of God;  

He created them male and female. (CSB)

What It Means to Bear God’s Image

Everything we see around us was created by God. But what makes human beings special? According to Scripture, it is the fact that we are created in the image of God.

But what does it mean to be made in His image and likeness? 

1. Representation: The term "image" in Hebrew is the same word used for "idol." Just as idols in ancient times were meant to represent gods, we are meant to represent God. In the ancient world, people believed that the gods worked through idols. In the same way, God works through us. We are His representatives on earth.


2. Authority: In many ancient cultures, kings were considered to be in the image of the gods, representing them and exercising their authority. Similarly, we are given the authority to act on God’s behalf. We are to rule over creation, taking care of it as stewards, reflecting God’s character in all we do.

3. Ambassadors: Kings would place statues of themselves in conquered lands to show their dominion. As God’s image bearers, we are like these statues, evidence that this is God's world. Our presence declares His sovereignty and points others to Him.

Dominion and Responsibility

To be made in God’s image also means we are given dominion over creation. This isn't about exploitation but about stewardship. God didn’t finish all the work in the Garden of Eden—He left some of it for us. We are to arrange, cultivate, and care for the world by wisely using creation’s resources and loving those around us.

The story of the Bible starts in a garden and ends in a city. This reality shows humanity’s role in continuing God’s work of bringing order and life to creation. In order to rule well, we need to align our hearts and minds with God’s wisdom and character — His love, generosity, compassion, and mercy.

Created Male and Female

Both men and women bear God’s image. While God is not gendered, He created humans male and female to reflect different aspects of His nature. As we come together, in marriage and in community, we are able to represent God even more fully. Each of us, individually and collectively, is responsible for reflecting God's image in the world.

Our Fallen Image

Unfortunately, sin has marred the image of God in us. In Genesis 3, we see that instead of being content with being like God, Adam and Eve wanted to be *equal* to God, deciding for themselves what was good and evil. This is the essence of sin: trying to replace God with our own wisdom. As a result, the image of God in people has been corrupted.

Today, we see the evidence of this everywhere—people redefining good and evil based on personal desires. This is why we desperately need the Holy Spirit to restore us to who God created us to be. Only through His guidance can we reconnect to God and live out our purpose.

Living as God’s Image Bearers

To bear God's image is more about purpose and responsibility than it is about a special quality that we possess. To bear God’s image means to live as His representatives in the world. To do this well, we need God’s character, wisdom, and guidance. We need the Holy Spirit to help us live out the values of love, justice, and mercy that reflect God's heart. The Bible is essential in this process because it reveals God’s will and wisdom to us.

The Challenge

God created us to exercise dominion over creation. To do this well, we must reflect His character and wisdom. This is our calling, our purpose, and our identity. We are to represent God wherever we go and in whatever we do, from the way we interact with others to how we care for the world around us.

Here is a challenge for you: Honor others as fellow image bearers. To do this, you need to pray and ask God to help you see people as He sees them. Let’s represent God well in all that we do.

We are God’s representatives, created in His image to reflect His character. Our calling is to show the world who God is by demonstrating His character. But because sin has corrupted that image, we need God to restore us. That is why we put our faith in Jesus and let the Holy Spirit guide us so we can be people who represent God in the world.

** I used ChatGPT to take my sermon notes and generate a blog post. ** 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Live by Faith


"As long as man hovers within the safety of his sight and his visible resources, relatively little will be accomplished."

— Arthur Harrington, What The Bible Says About Leadership

For much of my life I have struggled with my purpose. I have felt like a team of trained monkeys could do what I do.

I don’t possess any superstar qualities that make me stand out from the crowd. While I have certain talents, none of them are unique to me—nothing that others don’t share. My talents are common and ordinary. When the world looks at me, I’m just one among the masses of everyday people.

When I evaluate my abilities, it becomes clear that I’m not likely to make a significant impact on a large number of people. I don’t have the skill set or the influence to make a huge difference in the world. Thinking like this ensures that I *won’t* make a lasting impact. When we only do the things we feel confident in or limit ourselves to what we think our resources will allow, we achieve very little.

The problem isn’t a lack of self-esteem; it’s a lack of faith.

Living by faith means understanding that it’s not about our talents or resources—it’s about God’s power working through us. Stepping out to do God’s will, even when we lack the skills and resources, gives God the opportunity to work through us in ways we can’t predict or imagine.

That doesn't mean every step of faith will result in what we consider a "success." Sometimes, even when we’re confident we’re doing God’s will, things don’t turn out the way we hoped. I can recall several times when I stepped out in faith, knowing I was following God’s direction, only to see things unfold in ways I didn’t expect. What we see as failure doesn’t mean God’s will wasn’t accomplished. It just means God’s agenda is different from ours.

The early church in Acts provides an incredible example of what living by faith looks like:

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.

Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles. Now all the believers were together and held all things in common. They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as any had need. Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with joyful and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. Every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

— Acts 2:42-47 (CSB)

These early Christians were just like us. They didn’t have exceptional resources or talents. What they did have, they offered to God. They sold their possessions and shared the proceeds with those in need. Instead of focusing on what they lacked, they concentrated on how God wanted them to live, trusting Him to provide for their needs.

Living by faith means focusing on God’s will, not on our limitations. It requires us to understand that if we are doing God’s will, He will provide what’s needed to accomplish the task. If we wait until we have the resources or the skills before taking action, we’ll miss out on seeing God work through us to make an impact in this world.

Let’s not hesitate to take that step of faith. God doesn’t ask us to wait until we’re fully equipped—He calls us to trust Him, knowing He will equip us along the way.

From the Sandbox to the Beach: Embracing God’s Greater Purpose

  “We are halfhearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who w...