Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Parenting in a Digital World: Shaping Healthy Digital Habits


In our second  post of Parenting in a Digital World, we will focus on shaping healthy digital habits for our families. Building on the foundational principles of protection, guidance, and empowerment discussed in the first post, this post seeks to provide actionable strategies to create a balanced digital culture at home.

Recap of Post 1

Parenting in the digital age revolves around understanding our “why.” Why do we strive for intentionality with technology? The answer is simple yet profound: because our children and their development matter. Technology presents challenges like digital addiction, peer pressure, and parental inconsistency, but remembering our purpose helps us stay focused. As parents, we aim to protect, guide, and empower our kids to navigate the digital world productively and responsibly.

Building Your Family’s Digital Culture

Creating a family digital culture starts with identifying your shared values around technology use. This requires thoughtful, informed conversations that involve both parents and, where appropriate, older children.

Key Considerations:

  • Aligning Technology with Priorities: How does technology fit into family goals like fostering relationships, education, physical activity, and spirituality?
  • Consistency in Modeling Values: For example, if we value education, we must model lifelong learning, just as we would physical activity or faith formation.
  • Practical Rules to Support Values: Examples include screen-free zones (e.g., dinner table, bedrooms), limits on screen time during family activities, and spending caps on gadgets and apps.

It’s essential for parents to engage in deeper discussions and reach a consensus before setting rules. To support this, consider arranging childcare or quiet times to allow for focused conversations.

Managing Screen Time

Understanding Screen Time:

From school to entertainment, screen time includes all interactions with digital devices. Studies show that children today are digital natives, with U.S. averages indicating:

  • 8-12 years old: 4-6 hours per day
  • Teenagers: Up to 9 hours per day
  • Adults: Around 7 hours per day

Not all screen time is equal—educational uses can be beneficial, while excessive entertainment use can lead to missed opportunities in sleep, physical activity, and reading.

What’s Being Missed?

While we can focus on the negative consequences of being on screens, we also have to think about what screen time is replacing.
  1. Sleep: Screen time disrupts both quality and quantity of rest, impacting emotional and mental health.
  2. In Person Relationships: More and more teenagers are opting not to physically hang out with friends, but to connect through texting and social media.
  3. Physical Activity: A staggering 85% of girls and 78% of boys fail to meet daily exercise recommendations.
  4. Reading: Leisure reading is declining, which hinders comprehension, critical thinking, and spiritual engagement.

Setting Limits:

David Tucker, in The Digital Parenting Guidebook, emphasizes awareness as the foundation for setting appropriate boundaries. Here are age-based recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP):

  • Under 2 years: Zero screen time, except video chatting.
  • 2-5 years: No more than one hour/day with co-viewing.
  • 5-17 years: Generally no more than two hours/day outside of homework.

Helping children develop a healthy relationship with technology starts with intentionality. Here are three key strategies for parents:

  1. Create the Family’s Digital Culture:
    Establish a clear framework for how your family interacts with technology. This includes setting up device-free zones (e.g., the dinner table, bedrooms), establishing age-appropriate time limits, and identifying acceptable apps. These boundaries provide structure while aligning with your family’s values.

  2. Leverage Software for Time Limits:
    Utilize built-in parental controls and third-party software to set and enforce screen time limits. While these tools are helpful, they aren’t foolproof and can often be bypassed. Parents must remain vigilant and actively monitor their child’s screen use to ensure limits are respected.

  3. Teach the Value of Time Management:
    Children often feel like they have unlimited time, making it essential for parents to guide them in understanding its value. Help your children learn to balance their time by prioritizing work, play, exercise, and relationships. Emphasizing time management also prepares them for moments when they must resist the “screen time itch” and focus on other priorities.

By combining structure, tools, and lessons on time management, parents can equip their children to navigate the digital world thoughtfully and independently.

Final Takeaways

Parenting in a digital world requires intentionality, informed discussions, and consistent modeling. As we continue to navigate this journey, let’s remain focused on our goals: creating a digital environment that supports healthy development and reflects our family’s core values.

Let’s continue this conversation—what steps have you taken to foster healthy digital habits in your home? Share your thoughts below!

Monday, January 13, 2025

Lessons from the King: The Call of the Kingdom


Imagine for a moment what it takes to become a citizen of the United States. The process is rigorous—time, effort, and commitment are required. First, you must meet certain eligibility requirements. Then comes the application process, a declaration of intent, and a thorough examination. This is followed by an interview and a test, where your knowledge of the nation’s history, laws, and values is assessed. Finally, there’s the oath of allegiance—a solemn moment when you pledge loyalty to a new identity, a new home, and a new purpose. Becoming a citizen means leaving behind old allegiances and embracing a new life.

This imagery of citizenship sets the stage for the message of the Kingdom of Heaven. Over the next twelve weeks, as part of the sermon series Lessons from the King, we will explore the Sermon on the Mount—Jesus’s teaching on what it means to be citizens of God’s Kingdom. A core truth runs through it all: We cannot be citizens of God’s Kingdom without faithfulness to the King.

Before diving into the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew’s Gospel introduces us to the beginning of Jesus’s ministry. This foundation reveals the nature of His call: the call to be citizens of God’s Kingdom. It is personal, transforming, and radical.

The Context of the Call (Matthew 4:12-17)

Jesus began His ministry with purpose and perfect timing.

1. The Timing of the Call

After His baptism and wilderness testing, Jesus waited to start His ministry. He began only after John the Baptist was arrested. John’s message of repentance had prepared the people, and Jesus built upon it, signaling a transition from preparation to fulfillment.

2. The Location of the Call

Jesus moved from Nazareth to Capernaum, a bustling city in Galilee, a region marked by Gentile influence. This move wasn’t random—it fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy that light would come to Galilee (Isaiah 9:1-2). Here, the Messiah would shine, bringing hope to those in darkness.

3. The Message of the Call

Jesus’s message mirrored John’s: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” Repentance is a turning point—a call to align with God’s will. The Kingdom of Heaven represents God’s reign, where His purposes are fulfilled. To enter this Kingdom requires leaving behind rebellion and embracing faithfulness to God.

The Nature of the Call (Matthew 4:18-22)

What does repentance look like? Jesus’s call to the first disciples reveals the answer.

1. A Personal and Specific Call

Jesus’s invitation was tailored to individuals. For Peter, Andrew, James, and John, the call meant leaving their nets behind to become fishers of people. For others, like Matthew the tax collector or Simon the Zealot, the call required forsaking old allegiances to serve a new mission. Each call was unique, but the response was the same: immediate and wholehearted.

2. A Transformative Purpose

Jesus’s call transformed the disciples’ purpose. They left their identities as fishermen to take on a new mission—proclaiming the Kingdom. Similarly, following Jesus transforms our priorities and redefines how we live, even if it doesn’t change our occupation.

3. A Radical Commitment

The disciples’ response was marked by sacrifice. Peter and Andrew left their livelihood; James and John left their father. Following Jesus often requires letting go of something significant—whether relationships, possessions, or personal ambitions. The call to the Kingdom demands a total reorientation of life.

The Urgency of the Call

The Kingdom of Heaven is not a distant promise—it is near, breaking into the present. Jesus’s invitation demands an immediate response. The disciples recognized this urgency and followed Him without delay.

But what happens if we hesitate? The cost of delay is profound. Like the Rich Young Ruler, we risk walking away from Jesus with regret, missing the transformative life He offers. Wisdom calls us to act when the invitation is clear—to trust in Jesus and leave behind whatever holds us back.

Responding to the Call

Becoming a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven is unlike any earthly citizenship process. It begins with Jesus’s call: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” While earthly citizenship requires our effort, Kingdom citizenship is initiated by God’s grace. It invites us to pledge allegiance to Jesus, leaving behind old ways and embracing a life aligned with His will.

To be a Christian is not simply to add Jesus to our lives. It is to adopt a new agenda—to live for God’s Kingdom and surrender our plans to His purposes.

Challenge and Invitation

As we begin this journey through the Sermon on the Mount, I challenge you to read Matthew 5-7. Ask God for wisdom, not just to understand His teachings but to apply them in ways that transform your life and bring His Kingdom to the world.

When Jesus calls, He asks for everything—but He offers so much more in return. Are you ready to follow King Jesus today?

Friday, January 10, 2025

Pursuing Perfection: A Call to Live as God Intends


“On the other hand, you must realize from the outset that the goal toward which He is beginning to guide you is absolute perfection; and no power in the whole universe, except you yourself, can prevent Him from taking you to that goal.” – C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

How we live matters deeply to God. If our actions were insignificant, then Jesus would not have needed to die for our sins. Our words and deeds profoundly impact our relationship with God and our witness to others.

Yet, there’s a troubling misconception floating around: that as Christians, how we live doesn’t really matter because we’re bound to sin anyway. Some believe that faith alone is what counts, not behavior. However, this line of thinking misses a crucial truth: genuine faith shapes how we act. If we’re unwilling to confront sin in our lives, it’s a clear sign that our faith isn’t as strong as it should be.

The Biblical idea of perfection is about maturity and completion. To be perfect is reach the goal and be completely mature. This means life is about a progress towards maturity in Christ Jesus.

God doesn’t demand immediate perfection from us. Perfection is the ultimate goal He is leading us toward. What He does require, though, is that we actively work to make the necessary changes in our lives. Through these changes, we grow closer to becoming the people He wants us to be.

Paul reminds us in Ephesians 4:17 (NLT): “With the Lord’s authority I say this: Live no longer as the Gentiles do, for they are hopelessly confused.” Similarly, he warns in Ephesians 5:3-5 (NLT):

“Let there be no sexual immorality, impurity, or greed among you. Such sins have no place among God’s people. Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes—these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God. You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God.”

When we choose to follow Christ, there must be a visible transformation in our lives. As Peter writes in 1 Peter 4:4 (NLT): “Of course, your former friends are surprised when you no longer plunge into the flood of wild and destructive things they do. So they slander you.”

This transformation says something profound about our commitment. If we refuse to adjust our vocabulary, the way we party, the jokes we tell, or the entertainment we consume, what does that reveal about our dedication? It’s tempting to justify our behavior by pointing to God’s grace and forgiveness, but grace is not a free pass to continue sinning. Grace is a safety net, not a license to be complacent. It ensures we don’t lose our salvation for every mistake, but it doesn’t excuse laziness in pursuing holiness.

God’s ultimate desire is to make us holy, as He is holy. Holiness is what biblical perfection looks like. The challenge is that God won’t accomplish this without our consent and cooperation. We must actively participate in the process by striving to change our lives and fighting against the sin that seeks to enslave us. This ongoing battle against sin is the path through which God molds us into His image.

Let’s embrace this journey, knowing that perfection is not just an unattainable ideal but a promise—one that He will faithfully bring to completion as we trust and obey Him. May our lives reflect our faith, drawing us closer to Him and serving as a testimony to those around us.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Be Wise

Robert Fulghum once wrote in the Kansas City Times, "Most of what I really need to know about how to live, and what to do, and how to be, I learned in kindergarten." He went on to list simple yet profound lessons: share everything, play fair, say you’re sorry, and stick together. These lessons illustrate an important truth: wisdom isn’t about having vast knowledge or advanced degrees. Wisdom is about how we live, how we treat others, and how we respond to life. Even young children can display wisdom in their actions.

God desires that His people live with wisdom. Wisdom is more than a collection of rules; it’s godly knowledge applied to living well in God’s world. The Old Testament Law wasn’t merely a set of do’s and don’ts—it was a source of wisdom meant to guide Israel in representing God well. Similarly, the book of Proverbs offers timeless wisdom through short, memorable sayings. These proverbs were given to help God’s people navigate life in a way that glorifies Him and blesses others. They remain relevant to us today because living with wisdom transforms not only our lives but also the lives of those around us.

Proverbs 4:5-9 highlights three essential attitudes for living with wisdom: desiring wisdom, prioritizing wisdom, and valuing wisdom.

I. Desire Wisdom (Proverbs 4:5-6)

The first step toward living wisely is to desire wisdom. To desire wisdom is to recognize its benefits and long for the blessings it brings to life. We often fail to desire wisdom because we mistakenly believe it’s too hard to obtain—that it’s reserved for intellectuals or scholars. However, God offers wisdom freely through His Word, His people, and prayer.

The father in Proverbs encourages his son to pursue wisdom persistently, reminding us that this is a lifelong process. Wisdom is not something we stumble upon accidentally; it requires intentional effort and discipline. Proverbs 4:5 commands us to “get wisdom” and “get understanding,” emphasizing the need for deliberate action. This pursuit often involves spiritual disciplines such as studying the Bible, meditating on God’s truth, and seeking counsel from wise believers.

In verse 6, wisdom is personified as something to cherish and guard, like a close friend. When we value wisdom in this way, we experience its blessings and protection. The journey to wisdom begins with a heartfelt desire to receive it.

II. Prioritize Wisdom (Proverbs 4:7)

The second attitude we must cultivate is prioritizing wisdom. Desiring wisdom is not enough if we don’t make it a priority in our lives. To prioritize wisdom means to declare it as valuable and worth pursuing above all else.

Proverbs 4:7 tells us, “The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” This underscores the absolute necessity of wisdom in our lives. When we prioritize wisdom, we position ourselves to live the life God created us to live. This doesn’t guarantee a life free of challenges, but it ensures that we can faithfully represent God in all we say and do, trusting Him to provide for our needs.

Unfortunately, we often devalue wisdom, treating it as an afterthought. We settle for salvation and then muddle through life without asking God for the wisdom He has for us. Yet, God’s wisdom empowers us to bear His image more fully and live as His representatives in this world.

III. Value Wisdom (Proverbs 4:8-9)

The final attitude we need is to value wisdom. To value wisdom is to recognize its worth and understand that it’s worth sacrificing for. Olympic athletes train for years to compete for a medal—we should have a similar dedication when it comes to pursuing wisdom.

In Proverbs 4:8-9, the father tells his son that wisdom will exalt and honor those who embrace it. When we live with wisdom, we become a blessing to others—not just through our words but through our actions and how we treat people. This kind of life brings recognition and honor, not in a prideful sense but as a testimony to the transformative power of wisdom. The benefits of living with wisdom extend from this life into eternity.

Today, we live in an age where information is readily available. A quick Google search or YouTube video can answer almost any question. But true wisdom doesn’t come from the internet—it comes from God, the one who created us and knows how life is meant to be lived.


God calls His people to live with wisdom. This wisdom is seen in how we treat others and respond to life’s challenges. It is godly knowledge applied to living well in God’s world. To live with wisdom, we must desire it, prioritize it, and value it.

Living with wisdom glorifies God and blesses others. It helps us navigate life with understanding and grace, often making our lives easier and more fulfilling. More importantly, it allows us to be a blessing to our friends and family by treating them well and sharing truth with them. In doing so, we reflect God’s glory in our words and actions.


  1. Read through the book of Proverbs, taking time to memorize a few key verses.

  2. Reevaluate your priorities to ensure wisdom takes first place in your life.

  3. Reflect on the benefits of wisdom and commit to living in a way that allows others to see its fruit in your life.

Final Thought

Wisdom is not just about knowledge—it’s about living well in God’s world. Make the choice to BE WISE today.

Parenting in a Digital World: Digital Relationships & Online Safety

  As we conclude our   Parenting in a Digital World   series, let’s take a moment to reflect on what we’ve learned so far: Parenting Princip...